PLOT TWIST: Oprah’s Nasty Attacks on President Trump at the DNC Come Back to Haunt Her After Team Trump Releases a Beautiful Letter She Previously Wrote to Him

Credit: ABC News Screenshot

As The Gateway Pundit reported, washed-up talk show host Oprah Winfrey enthusiastically endorsed Kamala Harris at the DNC Convention in Chicago Wednesday night while trashing President Trump and other Republicans at the event.

Winfrey immediately opened her speech by outlandishly accusing Republicans of trying to scare voters, something Democrats, including Comrade Kamala, have been doing non-stop for decades. She also took a mean-spirited shot at Trump, calling him an impulsive liar and con artist.

“We are beyond ridiculous tweets and lies and foolery,” she bellowed. “These are complicated times, and they require adult conversations.”

“Now, there’s a certain candidate that says if we just go to the polls this one time, that we’ll never have to do it again,” she added. “Well, you know what? You’re looking at a registered independent who’s proud to vote again and again and again because I’m an American. And that’s what Americans do. Voting is the best of America.”

But it turns out that Oprah was once a huge fan of Trump. As she was speaking, the Trump campaign released a beautiful, years-old letter she wrote to Trump saying his words once brought to tears and lavished him as a man of utmost integrity.

Oprah even told Trump that she dreamed they could run for office together one day.

Here is what the letter says in full:

“Donald, I reviewed the book excerpt. I have to tell you your comments made me a little weepy.

“It’s one thing to live a life of integrity, still another to have people like yourself in office…Too bad we’re not running for office, what a team!”

Thank you,


“Too bad we’re not running for office, what a team!”

Credit: @TrumpWarRoom

Talk about your all-time backfires.

But these previous words by Oprah should not surprise folks who grew up watching both individuals as Trump regularly appeared on Oprah’s show as a distinguished guest to share his business expertise and thoughts on the political climate.

Below is one famous appearance. Notice how Trump’s words on trade and our allies in 1988 still ring true today?

The emergence of Trump in national politics has revealed the true character of people, exposing so many admired by the public as total frauds. Oprah has proven to be one of the best examples of all.