UPDATED: “Where Is the President?…Aren’t We Americans, Too?” Tearful Maui Resident Slams Joe Biden on CNN Over Lack of Government Support for Fire Victims (Video)

A tearful Maui resident slammed Joe Biden on CNN for the lack of government support for the victims of the deadly fires in Maui, saying, “Where is the president?,” calling him out for not coming to Hawaii until next Monday, and asking “Aren’t we Americans, too? Like we’re part of the United States but why are we being put in the back pocket? Why are we being ignored?” (Update at end: Complete video and transcript.)

Ella Sable Tacderan spoke to Kaitlan Collins, saying the $700 Biden sent to affected households, including her parents, was nowhere near what is needed in living expenses due to “expensive” grocery prices where $700 might cover one grocery run for a family.. Tacderan said, “The Maui community has been helping the Maui community.” Tacderan is not whining and doing nothing to help–she is housing nearly three dozen survivors in her home.

A video clip was posted by Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL):


Biden, who has repeatedly blown off reporters begging for contemporaneous comments on the deadly Maui fires, issued a scripted propaganda video Thursday morning that ABC’s Good Morning America dutifully broadcast and showed on ABC’s jumbotron in Times Square:

Later in the day on Thursday, a weak-appearing Biden again refused a contemporaneous comment to reporters:

The White House posted photos of Maui relief workers on Thursday:

A video clip from a CBS interview on locals organizing themselves, “Maui pro surfer @Kai_Lenny talks about the volunteer army that has stepped up to provide supplies for the community of Lahaina. “I haven’t seen one state, county, or federal official at any of the donation hubs where people are most suffering.”

UPDATE: Longer video clip from the interview with Ella Sable Tacderan followed by CNN Transcript:


Excerpt from CNN Transcript from The Source:

COLLINS: The Mayor of Maui says that he is going to be appointing someone else, in that role, as quickly as possible, given how crucial it is, at this time.

Meanwhile, as Hawaiians are dealing with the unimaginable loss, of what they are dealing with, on the ground, tonight, the FBI is now warning, to be on high alert, against criminals, who are exploiting these disaster victims, with scams.

Joining me, tonight, is Maui resident, Ella Sable Tacderan.

Ella, thank you for being here.

I wonder just first off, I know that what you have been through, the last few days, it’s just been hell. But now hearing that the Maui Emergency Administrator is stepping down, his defense of not sounding those sirens, what do you make of that?

ELLA SABLE TACDERAN, MAUI RESIDENT: I don’t have words. But I know that it should have been sounded because it could have saved lives, when everyone’s aware that there was fire going on at that time.

However, I do feel like it — I do feel like the Mayor should have a big decision to make, in regards to sounding the alarms, as well — the sirens as well. And it feels like a lot of people’s hands were tied. They didn’t know what to do at this situation.

And I’m not — I don’t know what to say. I just feel like that siren should have been sounded. Because according to mauisirens.com, part of that is wildfires. And, of course, everyone’s going to know that there’s an emergency happening, if that siren was sounded.

COLLINS: And Ella, I know, I mean, you’ve been affected —


COLLINS: — by this firsthand. I mean, right now, it looks quiet, in your house. But you have 23 family members staying with you. That means there’s 32 total people, in your house, right now.

Can you just, I mean, what is your day-to-day even like, at the moment?

SABLE TACDERAN: Right now, it still feels like — it still feels surreal that I can’t imagine that this has happened.

My house is full. And my heart is full, all the communities coming together helping each other out. And I’m just happy that we have each other. We’re safe, unharmed and reunited. One of my cousins, after a whole week, finally see her, in-person. And she was looking kind of fuzzy (ph). And today, she — we finally reunited with her.

We’ve been getting a lot of help, from the community. And the community has been a big part of my family’s survival. Without them, we wouldn’t be where we are, right now, in regards to sanity, as well as our survival mode.

COLLINS: You mentioned the community. But are you getting enough help from the government, tonight?

SABLE TACDERAN: My parents received a check for $700, which was a slap in the face. This $700 was given by the government. And I feel like it’s not enough.

Living in Hawaii, you spend groceries, you — everything is so expensive, groceries can be as much as $700, just for one grocery run. And it’s not enough. And, right now, the Maui community is helping the Maui community.


And I’m really — and it’s really affected me. Because where’s the President? He decides to come here, this week, to come here, next week. I mean like where — aren’t we Americans too? Like, we’re part of the United States. But why are we not — why are we getting put, in the back pocket? Why are we being ignored?

And I feel like these families need aid, right away. And they’re being turned away, because their applications hasn’t been approved, or pending. And like, and the only way they’ll be able to get aid, or help, is if they sign up through FEMA, where a lot of these, a lot of these families, have elderly, who are computer-illiterate, or they don’t know how to do it, or they don’t know what to do.

COLLINS: What do you think it’s important for the President —

SABLE TACDERAN: Right now, the only help we’re getting is —

COLLINS: Ella, what do you think it’s important for the President —

SABLE TACDERAN: The only help we’re getting —

COLLINS: — to see, when he comes next week, on Monday?

SABLE TACDERAN: Tell him to come to the War Memorial, and see the people there, laying out in cots, and see how he feels, especially injured people that’s laying out in cots, right at War Memorial Stadium.


SABLE TACDERAN: I’m so sorry. I didn’t know that it was going to go this way. I was happy to talk about my family.

But everything that has been, in my heart, I needed to say out aloud, because I’ve been struggling mentally, when it comes to providing help. And I want to be able to be there, for every single person that I meet. I want to be there for every single person that I see.

COLLINS: Ella, I mean, no one can even fathom what you and your family have been through. So, you don’t have to apologize.

And thank you, for coming on, tonight. I know you have a lot of people, in your household.

And we know the President will be there, next week.

So, thank you very much.


Photo of author
Kristinn Taylor has contributed to The Gateway Pundit for over ten years. Mr. Taylor previously wrote for Breitbart, worked for Judicial Watch and was co-leader of the D.C. Chapter of FreeRepublic.com. He studied journalism in high school, visited the Newseum and once met David Brinkley.

You can email Kristinn Taylor here, and read more of Kristinn Taylor's articles here.