So Jen Rubin is still writing at the Washington Post. They still pretend she’s a “conservative” voice at the paper.
This weekend Jen Rubin wrote a hate-filled hit piece on Florida. Rubin trashed Florida for its commonsense politics that are driving hundreds of thousands of Americans to the state from far-left failing states.
They let anything get published at the WaPo anymore.
Rubin claimed in her piece that 674,740 Americans left the state of Florida in 2021.
Evidently math is not her strong suit. Rubin had the numbers switched. Florida had 674,740 move TO THE STATE in 2021.
She had the numbers switched!
In fact, Jen Rubin took the line from Business Insider who also got it wrong earlier in the week.
Rubin still ran with it.
Charles W. Cooke ate her lunch.
And here’s Jennifer Rubin, three days later, still running with it in the Washington Post. She doesn’t know anything, or care that she doesn’t know anything—and nobody at the Post seems to mind.
— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) July 15, 2023
It really is jarring to see. When I’ve written for the Post and the Times, I’ve been fact-checked until I bled. I if wrote that there are 50 states, I was asked for a citation. That’s fine—good, even. But, as is evident if you read those papers, it only happens in one direction.
— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) July 15, 2023
What a train wreck.