WATCH: Trump Attorney Turns the Tables and Obliterates Sniveling Clinton Crony George Stephanopoulos During Interview on Sham Trump Indictment – Stephanopoulos Melts Down

Credit: ABC News Screenshot/Fox News

Far-left ABC “News” anchor George Stephanopoulos’ attempt to corner Trump attorney Jim Trusty during their interview Friday went horribly wrong and the host went into meltdown mode as reported by the Daily Caller.

As Gateway Pundit readers know, Stephanopoulos is a former Democrat advisor who once served as Bill Clinton’s communications director before entering the media. He has carried water for his favored party since.

Stephanopoulos started his inquisition by trying to get Trusty to agree that Trump committed crimes. Trusty did not fall for the host’s trap, though, and completely turned the tables on him by pointing the actual serious crimes committed by Joe Biden.

Stephanopoulos lost his temper after getting hit with truth bombs. Trusty then finished him off in epic style.


Here is a transcript of the exchange:

Stephanopoulos: Don’t you believe in the principle that no person is above the law?

Trusty: No person is below the law, that’s really the issue here. You’ve got these investigations in Delaware that are 1,000 times more serious by a sitting president who has authorized his DOJ to try to sink the candidacy of his prime opposition while that guy has unsecured documents that he stole out of a skiff dozens of years ago. Look, we’re not talking…

Stephanopoulos (melting down): What are you talking about? “What are you talking about? That is a ridiculous statement!

Trusty: Nice try. There’s an issue that anyone that reads any newspapers would agree is a parallel track, which is the Delaware document scandal of Joe Biden where there’s a special counsel, Rob Hur, that’s investigating it.

You know that there were documents that were sensitive, that were marked classified, found in a garage near a Corvette, that made their way through Chinatown to the Penn Biden Center. There’s 1,850 boxes that have never been fully looked at at the University of Delaware.

You have the ultimate unclean hands of a current sitting president who had no declassification, had none of the protections of President Trump, and who literally had to have stolen stuff from a skiff. Even Dick Durbin commented about how this was an outrageous possession of classified material by Vice President at that point Joe Biden.

So that’s what we’re talking about. You can scoff and act like there’s nothing to it. The whole country knows the basic notion of unequal treatment and fairness. That’s what’s at issue with this prosecution.

Stephanopoulos (sniveling): I think that is certainly what is at issue. We will see how it plays out because I don’t think you have any evidence to back up any of the charges you just made.

The host had absolutely no defense for the red pills dropped by Trusty so he had to resort to gaslighting ABC News viewers in the end.

The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on the Biden documents scandal and the so-called president’s attempts to cover up the crime.

Classified documents were discovered at the Penn Biden Center just before the 2022 midterm elections on Nov. 2 and then more were found at Biden’s Wilmington, Delaware home (in his garage) in December and January.

Biden’s regime covered up the crimes every step of the way yet the “president” is getting a free pass while Trump is potentially facing life behind bars.

President Trump spokeswoman Liz Harrington loved what she saw: