Maricopa County Republican Committee Chair “Disappointed” by Abysmal Maricopa County Pre Jurisdictional Election Logic and Accuracy Testing

Maricopa County Elections Director Scott Jarrett

Maricopa County Republican Committee Chairman Craig Berland said that Maricopa County “failed” to take serious election security measures in a statement released after participating in the County’s pre-election Logic and Accuracy test, led by Election Directors Scott Jarrett and Rey Valenzuela, ahead of the jurisdictional elections in the cities of Tempe and Carefree, Arizona.

This comes following the sham 2022 Midterm Election, where voting machines failed at 60% of voting locations, targeting and disenfranchising Republican voters.

Despite a recent report by Maricopa County stating that “robust stress testing” is required for future elections, the County did not even test ballot-on-demand printers, which are used for in-person voting!

However, as The Gateway Pundit reported, Former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell called this report on the County’s investigation into the failures on Election Day a “cover-up” and called for consequences against election officials.

NEW: “There Should Be Consequences” – Former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell Releases Statement on SHAM Maricopa County Midterm Election and “Cover-Up” by Officials

Berland concluded in the statement he was “disappointed that Maricopa County government officials failed to take additional appropriate measures to ensure that all voter apparatus was included in the L&A testing to demonstrate adequate testing for election deployment, especially after the major failure of the BOD printers in the last election.

The Gateway Pundit was told by another that the participants from three parties were provided with scant information or instruction on what would be presented, and all tests on tabulators were run suddenly and simultaneously so that not everybody could thoroughly review each one.



PHOENIX, ARIZONA – On May 1, 2023, I attended the Logic and Accuracy (L&A) Test for the upcoming May 16, 2023 Jurisdictional Elections in Tempe and Carefree, Arizona, both cities within the jurisdiction of Maricopa County.

The entirety of the test was to verify if the tabulators at the Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center (MCTEC) counted the preprinted ballots the same as previously counted. The results did indeed match, and I signed, as MCRC Chairman, that I witnessed the matching numbers.

What I was not asked to sign was a document stating that all machines associated with the election were tested and found to pass the L&A test. County election management was specifically questioned about the Ballot On Demand (BOD) printers that would be part of the election equipment, and they responded that BOD printers were not part of the L&A test that we witnessed. Nor were we asked to verify the test ballots as marked.

As Chairman of the Republican Party in Maricopa County, one who takes the importance of Election Integrity seriously, I am disappointed that Maricopa County government officials failed to take additional appropriate measures to ensure that all voter apparatus was included in the L&A testing to demonstrate adequate testing for election deployment, especially after the major failure of the BOD printers in the last election.

-Craig Berland, MCRC Chairman


Similarly, As reported by Brian Lupo with The Gateway Pundit, tabulators used in Maricopa County were likely not tested at all by county officials, and if they were, they were tested inconceivably below the standards of the Arizona Revised Statute. This is despite testimony by Maricopa County Election Director Scott Jarrett in Kari Lake’s election trial that the Logic and Accuracy testing was satisfactorily completed.

Below is an excerpt from the 2019 Arizona Elections Procedures Manual and Scott Jarrett’s testimony from a November 28 Board of Supervisors meeting:

This is a developing story…

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Jordan Conradson, formerly TGP’s Arizona correspondent, is currently on assignment in Washington DC. Jordan has played a critical role in exposing fraud and corruption in Arizona's elections and elected officials. His reporting on election crimes in Maricopa County led to the resignation of one election official, and he was later banned from the Maricopa County press room for his courage in pursuit of the truth. TGP and Jordan finally gained access after suing Maricopa County, America's fourth largest county, and winning at the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. Conradson looks forward to bringing his aggressive style of journalism to the Swamp.

You can email Jordan Conradson here, and read more of Jordan Conradson's articles here.