Fat Activists Cheer As Mayor Adams Signs Bill Banning Weight Discrimination in New York City (VIDEO)

Fat activists cheered as Mayor Adams signed a bill banning weight discrimination in New York City.

Earlier this month the New York City council passed a bill that makes it illegal to discriminate against weight.

People applying for housing or employment cannot be discriminated against for their height or weight.

Public accommodations were also included in the bill.

So-called ‘fat activists’ say weight discrimination hits women of color the hardest.

Mayor Adams signed the bill on Friday.

“I’m a person that believes in health, so when you talk about not discriminating against someone because of their body type, it’s not fighting against obesity; it’s just being fair,” Adams said.

Adams continued, “So I think this is the right thing to do. We’re going to continue to talk about our progressive health agenda. Science has shown body type is not a connection to if you’re healthy or unhealthy, and I think that’s a misnomer we are really dispelling.”

According to Fox News, NYC’s commission on Human Rights will investigate weight complaints.

Critics say the new legislation will lead to a flood of lawsuits.

The chair of the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance applauded Mayor Adams for signing the new legislation.


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Cristina began writing for The Gateway Pundit in 2016 and she is now the Associate Editor.

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