John Solomon of reports of an official US government “enemies list” maintained by the Department of Homeland Security. The US government uses the list to fund private organizations to harass, suppress, and suspend First Amendment rights to US citizens.
The Gateway Pundit topped the list with an impressive nearly doubling its closest competitor with a 46 “incidents” on election integrity next to 26 incidents by our friends at
Of course, Twitter took down The Gateway Pundit’s page following this reporting and tracking by the federal government.
The Gateway Pundit also led all conservative websites in our left to right spread. TGP had an “estimated right/left spread” of 0.08% left and 99.92% right, meaning “the proportion of original tweets made by influential users classified on the ideological spectrum based on our network analysis.”
We apoligize for our less than perfect performance and promise to improve our secret government score in the future.
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Our friend Bill Hennessy wrote this today at Hennessy’s View
Gateway Pundit Named the Government’s “Enemy Number One”
Congratulations, Jim Hoft and the crew at The Gateway Pundit
John Solomon of reports of an official US government “enemies list” maintained by the Department of Homeland Security. The US government uses the list to fund private organizations to harass, suppress, and suspend First Amendment rights to US citizens.
At the top of the list of Enemies of the State is our old friend, Jim Hoft, founder and chairman of The Gateway Pundit:
By the number of incidents (46) and combined tweets and retweets (870,000), The Gateway Pundit led the pack. It had an “estimated right/left spread” of 0.08% left and 99.92% right, meaning “the proportion of original tweets made by influential users classified on the ideological spectrum based on our network analysis.”
St. Micheal the Archangel, Defend Us in Battle
The news broke a day after I ran into Jim at the one-night airing of St. Michael: Meet the Angel. Jim had texted me earlier in the day, offering an extra ticket to the special event, but my family had already bought tickets.
I relate this story because it sheds light on who Jim Hoft is. He’s a man who organizes Rosary rallies and takes part in weekly prayer sessions. He gives up his (some say) obsessive blogging to learn more about St. Michael and the other Archangels. He offers tickets to friends.
Jim is also a zealous defender of the United States we grew up admiring. Not the richest country in the world with the most luxuries and conveniences, but the most righteous country whose goodness and piety finds favor with the Lord. He recognizes that our insane comfort comes, not from the pursuit of comfort, but from the pursuit of goodness.
The Gateway Pundit
His enterprise, The Gateway Pundit, is one of the most-read websites in the United States. As a news outlet, TGP is regularly the most-read in Missouri, surpassing the Post-Disgrace’s STLToday.
Jim was one of the first to respond to my call in 2009 for a St. Louis Tea Party, and he become one of the movement’s most recognized and sought-after members.
For the US government to recognize TGP as the number one force standing against its evil pursuits is both a great honor for Jim and long-overdue salute.
Fight On!
And, while the Solomon report is a great honor for TGP, the fight is only just beginning. With TGP leading the charge, let us all cause the government so much pain, so much anguish, so much frustration and humiliation that we, too, might find ourselves on its prestigious list of “Enemies of the State.”
With St. Michael’s protection against the preternatural demons, may we drive the usurpers in Washington back to the abyss where they belong.
We invoke the great St. Michael, destroyer of demons, as we pray:
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection agains the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, And, thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, By the power of God Cast into hell Satan And all the evil spirits who prowl about the earth Seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
P.S. I am honored to be a regular contributor to The Gateway Pundit.