EXCLUSIVE – WATCH LIVE: “The Rise of TRUTH, The Demise of Machines” Event In Tempe, Arizona With MAAP Real Talk Show And The Gateway Pundit — Broadcast To Begin At 12 PM MST

The Rise of Truth Summit is happening now in Tempe, Arizona, at the amazing Pollack Theater.

Elected officials and subject matter experts are set to expose the electronic voter fraud that has taken place at the hands of corrupt voting machines across the country.

The Gateway Pundit will co-host live, on the ground reporting with MAAP Real Talk Show’s George Nemeh. Watch live below.

The Gateway Pundit reported that this historic event was coming to the great Pollack Theater.

CONFERENCE SATURDAY: “The Rise of TRUTH, The Demise of Machines” in Tempe, AZ with All-Star Speaker’s List

Arizona Corporation Commissioner Jim O’Connor will discuss his ongoing fight to ban the shady machines.

The Gateway Pundit reported last month that O’Connor sent a letter to all Arizona County Supervisors, Recorders, Election Directors, and Sheriffs, demanding they immediately cease the use of voting machines in the upcoming 2022 General Election.

Lake v Hobbs Case in Arizona *DISMISSED*. We’re Sure You Can Guess Why…

Commissioner O’Connor told The Gateway Pundit, “I am here to talk directly to the Boards of Supervisors and elections officials.”

“My mission here is very specific. If you try to do an overall statewide or nationwide evaluation and try to discuss all of the elements of election fraud, mules, dropboxes, illegal voters, judges extending voting days, and there are 50 other ways to lie, cheat and steal. That is not what I am focused on. I want this meeting to bring the focus just on the machines. This decision resides with the Boards of Supervisors on a county-by-county basis. I’ve seen all of the evidence, and it is beyond a shadow of a doubt that these machines don’t accurately reflect the vote of the people. As you will hear today from testimonies by men and women who have expertise in this field and decades of experience in testing these machines, these machines are vulnerable and easy to be hacked,” said O’Connor.

“This is not a summit. It is a presentation of expert witness testimonies, targeted at the Boards of Supervisors directly,” he continued.

The speaker list is as follows:

The Rise of Truth – The Demise of Machines

Saturday, October 1st
11:30 AM – 4:00 PM

Pollack Cinemas, 85284

Link to Event & Free Tickets


Invited guests to speak include:

Jim O’Connor (Arizona Corporation Commission – Regulator)
Clay Parikh (Former Voting System Tester and Expert Witness)
Patrick Colbeck (Aerospace Engineer)
Tina Peters (Colorado Clerk)
Jeff O’Donnell (Chief Information Officer Ordros Analytics)
Dr. Walter Daugherity (Senior Lecturer Emeritus Texas A&M)
Michael Shafer
Erin Clements (Data Analyst, wife of NM Professor Clements)
Col. Shawn Smith (Retired, US Air Force – Space & Missile Operations)
Ben Cotton (CEO of CyFIR, Army Special Operations Command)
Clint Curtis (First to develop an algorithm to steal elections)
Sonny Borrelli
Lawrence Hudson
Roger Fuller
Jovan Hutton Pulitzer (Inventor/Forensics – Tesla Labs Founder)
Dr. Alex Halderman

Tune into the live stream on The Gateway Pundit’s Rumble page below:

Photo of author
Jordan Conradson, formerly TGP’s Arizona correspondent, is currently on assignment in Washington DC. Jordan has played a critical role in exposing fraud and corruption in Arizona's elections and elected officials. His reporting on election crimes in Maricopa County led to the resignation of one election official, and he was later banned from the Maricopa County press room for his courage in pursuit of the truth. TGP and Jordan finally gained access after suing Maricopa County, America's fourth largest county, and winning at the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. Conradson looks forward to bringing his aggressive style of journalism to the Swamp.

You can email Jordan Conradson here, and read more of Jordan Conradson's articles here.