Biden Visit to Pittsburgh with John Fetterman a Total Disaster – Old Joe Struggles to Speak, Gets Lost Again (VIDEO)

Joe Biden on Thursday traveled to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to deliver remarks on his admin’s plan to fix the nation’s infrastructure.

Biden was greeted by Democrat US Senate candidate John Fetterman and his handler/wife Gisele Fetterman.

John Fetterman actually wore a suit, but he still looked…off.

Stroke victim John Fetterman and Dementia Joe together is quite the duo.

Biden spoke at the Fern Hollow Bridge on Thursday.

Recall, the Fern Hollow Bridge collapsed in January hours before Biden made a visit to the bridge.

Strange coincidence.

As expected, the Fetterman/Biden event was a dumpster fire.

Biden couldn’t even read his teleprompter.

“Over a billion, 200, a trillion, 200 billion dollars!” Biden said.


Then he got lost after his remarks.


Fetterman didn’t speak at Biden’s stop in Pittsburgh.

Biden will be traveling to Philadelphia to participate in a reception for John Fetterman.

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Cristina began writing for The Gateway Pundit in 2016 and she is now the Associate Editor.

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