Colorado Senate Race Tightens – Could be a Tight Race

Democrats are struggling in Colorado.

A recent poll for the Republican Attorney General’s Association found that Republican challenger Joe O’Dea only trails Sen. Michael Bennet by one point – 48%-47%.

Biden got 55% of the vote in Colorado in 2020 in a controversial election.

O’Dea said that he has talked to voters all around the state and they are upset with the state of Biden’s economy. Inflation in Colorado remains high it currently sits at 8.2%.

The number two issue for voters is crime according to O’Dea. Colorado’s violent crime rate is just slightly above the national average.

The Washington Examiner reported:

There is something going on here in Colorado politics that is not much different than what happened in Virginia exactly one year ago — a shift away from the status quo and the odds-on favorite Democrat toward his Republican challenger.

Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO) is seeking a second full term against Republican challenger Joe O’Dea. And the question, in a state where people tend to dislike both parties but increasingly favor Democrats, is whether O’Dea is independent enough to earn their vote.

O’Dea says it is the same thing he hears over and over again as he travels across the state. “I’ve been to 60 out of 64, the counties, between the primary and then here at the general election, and the No. 1 issue I’m hearing is economy,” he said. “It’s inflation. It’s how expensive things are and how they can’t afford things that used to be staples in their lives. The price of gas, while it has come down, it is still over $1.25 a gallon more than it was a year ago. People are really, really feeling financially insecure, and they are having to make tough choices between kids being able to go on vacation, kids being able to play sports.”

The red wave is hitting blue states.

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