Actress Says She Has Nightmares About Tucker Carlson – Tucker Responds

Anti-Trump Actress Jennifer Lawrence said in an interview with Vogue that she has nightmares about Fox News Host Tucker Carlson.

Back in 2017, Tucker Carlson said in a segment that Lawrence was suffering from “Trump Derangement Syndrome.”

Yahoo reported:

The Oscar winner discussed her political views and activism in a new cover story for Vogue’s October issue. While explaining how the 2016 election caused tension among her Kentucky family, Lawrence, 32, also told the magazine she’s had recurring nightmares about controversial Fox News personality Tucker Carlson.

Now, she tells Vogue, “I can’t f— with people who aren’t political anymore. You live in the United States of America. You have to be political. It’s too dire. Politics are killing people.”

“I don’t want to disparage my family, but I know that a lot of people are in a similar position with their families. How could you raise a daughter from birth and believe that she doesn’t deserve equality? How?” the Causeway actress added.

Tucker Carlson responded to it in a segment on his show.

“She says she has nightmares about us, that’s what they are calling it now. Nightmares. Alright, we’re flattered. I think it’s the sexy glasses…Can’t help it if they dream about you…”

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