True The Vote will present evidence of 2020 election ballot trafficking in Yuma and Maricopa Counties, as seen in the “2000 Mules” film, to Republican members of the Arizona House and Senate today at 3 pm.
The hearing has been delayed because Democrats in the Arizona Senate are trying to push through last-minute gun restrictions for Arizona. It is expected to begin shortly.
The presentation will begin at 3 PM and is scheduled to last until 4:30 PM.
The Gateway Pundit reported that True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht and elections investigator Gregg Phillips will present their findings to Arizona state lawmakers, including Senate President Karen Fann and Majority Leader Rick Gray, and others. Catherine and Gregg were greeted by cheering Patriots when they walked into the Senate hearing room.
Zero Democrats have agreed to attend this hearing.
The 2000 Mules film has already sparked a new investigation by Yuma County law enforcement, raids conducted on criminal Mules in San Luis, and a recall effort targeting Yuma County Chairman Tony Reyes for his nonprofit’s alleged involvement in “illegal Mules activities.”
The Gateway Pundit recently reported that search warrants were served at Reyes’ Comité De Bien Estar nonprofit, and officers took an employee to have her home searched.
Arizona State Senate candidate Gary Snyder uncovered the illegal ballot Mules in Yuma County and provided video evidence to law enforcement before the 2020 Presidential election. His investigative work premiered in “2000 Mules” and led to two indictments for ballot mules. Many more are coming, said Gary. One of the Mules is set to take a plea bargain this Thursday, and it is suspected that she “rolled over” on her accomplices.
Snyder traveled from Yuma County t0 the Arizona Capitol in Phoenix for today’s hearing. He told The Gateway Pundit,
Snyder: I want them [Arizona legislators] to open their hearts and trust Gregg, Catherine, and True The Vote, and listen to me and David. We’re doing this for our community, our state, and our nation. They need to know what’s going on in these rural areas. And it’s not a myth. It’s true crime and that’s what needs to get fixed before anything else.
Contact Arizona Legislators to demand decertification of the sham 2020 election.
Contact Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich to demand indictments for all Mules in Arizona.
Watch this hearing live: