Biden’s Military Leaders Discuss Ukraine Before the House but Omit Discussing At Least One Very Important Topic

Biden’s Military leaders were in front of the US House of Representatives yesterday.  There was one main topic of discussion that they neglected to address. 

General Milley and Defense Secretary Austin were before the US House of Representatives yesterday.

General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, warned on Tuesday of a “prolonged conflict” in Ukraine that could take years to end.

“I think NATO, the United States, Ukraine and all the allies and allies that support Ukraine are going to be involved for some time,” Milley, top US military official, told the House Armed Services Committee. Testified before. ,

Milley was included in Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s first testimony to Congress since Russia invaded Ukraine in February. The hearing was to focus on the 2023 defense budget request, but the latest developments in Ukraine took center stage.

General Milley shared that the US should place more troops in Eastern Europe.

The entire discussion in front of the US House was missing one key topic.  Conservative Treehouse pointed out that the US response to Ukraine is led by Biden’s State Department.  This is the same group that led the disastrous surrender of Afghanistan:

As a consequence of that previous investment, the current U.S response to the Russian “special military operation” has been spearheaded by the same DoS officials, intelligence agencies and politicians.  The Ukraine engagement is a political operation using NATO and western allies.   As we saw in the Afghanistan withdrawal, the Pentagon is a tool for the politics.

The division between the two interests (Pentagon vs State Dept) surfaces most quickly and easily when things SNAFU, and the blame casting begins. That’s when the division becomes noticeable to the public.  The important point to remember is this… despite the involvement of NATO in the current Ukraine response, it is not the Pentagon calling the shots, it’s the state dept.

Milley noted that Ukraine is a long-term conflict.  This was the main talking point.

As much as JC Milley is a political figure, Milley is operating his role under the assumption and direction of what the State Dept is creating.  As a consequence of that long-term conflict prediction, the Pentagon is recommending several new rotating military bases for U.S. troops in eastern Europe.

It is also critical to recognize what is not being said by those same DoS and U.S. intelligence officials.  The absence is deafening. What is not being advanced is any discussion of a diplomatic resolution or negotiated settlement.  Milley’s defense request is predicated on a position that no diplomatic solution will be advanced.  This is a key part of both General Milley and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s testimony.

Ukraine cannot fight without the United States sending money and weapons.  Combine that with Austin and Milley’s statements about Ukraine, and what you quickly see, albeit undiscussed in media, is that a long-term war is baked into this cake.  The United States will not allow Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to enter negotiations with Vladimir Putin.

When we review western media statements about Putin not willing to enter “peace talks” with Zelenskyy, keep the testimony from Milley and Austin at the forefront of your mind.

Why would Putin enter any negotiations with Zelenskyy, knowing the U.S. position is to carry out a long-term insurgency war in Ukraine against Russian military forces?

Tucker Carlson and Glenn Greenwald discussed the war in Ukraine last night:

“I think a lot of people feel really bad for Ukraine, and … don’t think the United States should get into a hot war with Russia,” said host Tucker Carlson, adding that that opinion “now qualifies as treason” in the eyes of many.

“This war is being used by domestic political actors to settle domestic political scores or am I imagining this?” he asked Greenwald.

Greenwald replied that most of the world is “horrified” at Putin’s deadly attacks on civilians, but that “sitting online all day and denouncing Vladimir Putin and calling everybody a Russian agent isn’t doing anything for the Ukrainians”

“The only thing that can help the Ukrainians is a diplomatic solution to the war. Ironically, if you advocate that … you get called a Russian agent,” Greenwald added.

The gang running the Biden Administration wants a long war with Russia in Ukraine.  They’re not talking about ending the conflict.  They want the war to continue.

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Joe Hoft is a Radio Host at, Author, Former International Corporate Executive in Hong Kong for a Decade, and a Contributor at TGP since 2016. Joe is the author of five books, including his new bestseller, "The Steal: Volume II - The Impossible Occurs" which addresses the stolen 2020 Election and provides an inventory of issues that prove that the 2020 Election was uncertifiable and never should have been certified for Joe Biden.

You can email Joe Hoft here, and read more of Joe Hoft's articles here.