Wisconsin’s Republican Assembly Speaker Robin Voss signed a new contract with former Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman on Tuesday. The contract extends Gableman’s investigation until the end of April.
Last Tuesday morning the Wisconsin Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections held an informational hearing on the Gableman 2020 Election Report featuring invited speakers Special Counsel and Former Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman and Attorney Eric Kaardal.
During his opening testimony, Justice Gableman listed a series of unlawful acts that took place during the 2020 presidential election. Justice Gableman then called for the decertification of the 2020 presidential election results in the state.
Justice Gableman disclosed during the hearing that nursing homes in the Zuckerberg-funded cities had a 95% to 100% turnout. This is clear voter fraud they discovered.
On Tuesday Pres Trump called out Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos and Wisconsin Rep. Janel Brandtjen to move with the Special Counsel’s findings.
Also on Tuesday Voss signed his contract extension with Justice Gableman.