“We Have Become So Boring as a City” – NYC Mayor Eric Adams Announces Citywide Vaccine Mandate For Businesses will be Lifted (VIDEO)

It’s a midterm miracle!

NYC Mayor Eric Adams on Friday announced he is lifting all vaccine mandates for businesses and mask mandates for public schools, grades K-12 by March 7.

According to the metrics used by government officials to determine lockdowns, more people are dying from Covid today than a year ago.

However, Democrats are dropping all Covid mandates because their poll numbers going into the November elections are abysmal.

Adams said New York has become boring so he’s dropping all the Covid restrictions.

“We have become so boring as a city. I want all my parades back, every one of them. It is time for us to enjoy our city again … I want to become a city of excitement,” Adams said.



Adams wants everyone to enjoy restaurants and enjoy life without showing proof of vaccination.

“Folks can come in and enjoy the restaurants, enjoy the businesses … without having to show proof of vaccination.”


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Cristina began writing for The Gateway Pundit in 2016 and she is now the Associate Editor.

You can email Cristina Laila here, and read more of Cristina Laila's articles here.