MARK FINCHEM EXCLUSIVE: Democrats Want to Federalize Elections and Ignore the US Constitution

The Democrats want to federalize elections and ignore the US Constitution.

The importance of teaching the subject of American History is demonstrated in these times by the Democratic Party and their lust for more and more power. They seem to hate the very constitution that they took an oath to protect and defend; they justify their acts just like a medieval physician whose ineptness killed the patient in an effort to save him or her. Aside from the rampant fraud in voter rolls, now proven electronic tabulation equipment vulnerabilities, ballot stuffing, and the irredeemably compromised 2020 General Election, Democrats now seek to usurp the power and authority over all elections, and in so doing engage in a coup against both the Constitution and the People simultaneously.

Let’s examine the basics for a moment and acknowledge the premise that words have meaning. We are NOT a democracy, in spite of what both politicians and pundits assert whenever they talk about America. It’s not totally their fault, they were taught this inaccuracy in public schools and college classrooms.  When they say such things though, they demonstrate their ignorance of our form of government, and why they are a threat to the survival of this constitutional republic.

The Constitution of the United States was intended to be a pact, a contract binding emerging nation-states together, where each ceded a small amount of enumerated power to a national government for very specific purposes. In fact, the framers were concerned about the Hamiltonian preference for a national government, essentially casting off nation-state sovereignty. In fact, they were so concerned that they wrote into the Constitution their caution in the form of Article IV, Sec. 4, “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion;” And then, of course, there is the Ninth Amendment, “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.’ But wait, there’s more, the Tenth Amendment, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.” All of this combined is evidence of the commitment to be a People up, distributed power form of government, not a government down consolidated tyrannical power.

Today however we are witnessing attempts by federal officers like James Clyburn, a Democrat from South Carolina, to seize control of elections. He defends Democrats’ calls for a federal take over of elections saying they, “cannot be left up to the states.”  Clyburn appears now to be a spokesman for the usurpation of the People’s right to administer their elections by invoking the Hamiltonian view saying, “I am a federal official, but I understand very well how federal elections are run,” He also said in a recent interview, “Most people who are now serving at the federal level have at one time served in some capacity at the state and local levels as well.”

What does that have to do with anything, other than a demonstration of political class eliteness?  In his defense of Hamilton, Clyburn shows that his thesis is all about consolidation of power, using Alexander Hamilton’s words that such elections “cannot” and “should not be left up to the states.” Hamilton lost the debate by the way.

Perhaps Clyburn and his band of usurpers should respect a supreme fact, elections belong to the people, not the government. There is good reason to keep the federal government out of electing our leaders, it is the People’s business to exercise their voting franchise, not the power brokers. Elections controlled by the people are the only check against the seizure of unbridled power. What we have today is no longer a republican form of government. That is why it is crucially important for Americans to #MeetMeInMcAllen at the We Stand America event. It is time to take back our elections, time to take back our government, and time to take back our nation.

Visit for more information and a ticket to attend.

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Joe Hoft is a Radio Host at, Author, Former International Corporate Executive in Hong Kong for a Decade, and a Contributor at TGP since 2016. Joe is the author of five books, including his new bestseller, "The Steal: Volume II - The Impossible Occurs" which addresses the stolen 2020 Election and provides an inventory of issues that prove that the 2020 Election was uncertifiable and never should have been certified for Joe Biden.

You can email Joe Hoft here, and read more of Joe Hoft's articles here.