Calling 911: Saint Louis Basic Life Support is Failing – One Caller was On-Hold for 13 Hours while Waiting for Available Medics and Ambulance

A representative of a neighborhood association in St Louis reached out to The Gateway Pundit recently.   He’s received first-hand information from the city’s firefighters and other city workers who claim there are only six on average medics covering and assisting the entire city due to poor support from the local government.

There should be 12 medic units running each day but that’s not the case in St. Louis City.

According to our source, he received a list of incidents where people have to drive themselves to the hospital because it took hours for an ambulance to arrive to help. See below:

A man got paralyzed on his left side after he called for a stroke and waited for 30 mins for help to arrive.

A three-year-old who was a victim of child abuse had to be put him in a police car with two firemen who drove him to the hospital because no medics were available.

The mayor in St Louis Tishaura Jones, a radical leftist who is very critical of St. Louis City policing, refuses to support additional funds for law enforcement, Fire Department, paramedics, EMS, & 911 just to mention a few.

Here’s the excerpt from the email we received:

I do have friends on the fire department and on the police department. As an association vice-president they came to me via text message telling me things when they’ve occurred. A lot of the information as far as the Medics go can be found through a Sunshine request. I had the chief at one of our meetings I asked him for the information he told me I would have to request it through the Sunshine Law. I’ve known the chief for over 25 years. It’s very strange. We get copies of the fire department and the police department along with other agency budgets.
The two areas that are easily exposed are the failures of the number of Medics put on the street and the 911 system. There are two types of ambulances in the city of St Louis. ALS Advanced life systems or BLS basic life systems. BLS does not have a paramedic on it therefore they cannot give drugs and provide adequate Medical Care to severe cases. Fire trucks respond to cases first and have to wait for a medic. In some cases they are waiting over an hour. In some cases they actually put the victims in the back of a police car and take them to the hospital. I am constantly getting reports 911 calls going on answered and or unresponsive operators. I have evidence of this from a house break-in with the owners at home. I am currently taking that to the internal affairs division a police department since they handle 911 operators.
The city shows on that schedule I sent before 12 units available. That’s for 62 square miles. On the average there are between six and seven units on the street. I believe you know of the three-year-old who was believed to be hit by a car later found out to be child abuse who died? They had to put him in a police car with two firemen and drive him to the hospital because no Medics were available.
I will send you a couple screenshots of the text messages I get. I will also talk to my guys to make sure they’re willing to speak with you which I’m sure they will as long as they are kept private. I will help you guys in any way possible obtain pertinent information given my position.
I’m coming to you because we all know the local media will not cover this story as it portrays a failure in Democratic politics in St Louis. All I wish to achieve along with the rest of my Association board is to have the city provide the basic life safety systems. We’re currently scheduling other meetings with other associations to try to join up together to bring some pressure City Hall.
In meeting with several firehouses with boots on the ground firemen told me they would forgo any raise and give it to the paramedics and EMTs. That’s how badly the fire department men on the ground want more medics in St Louis.
St Louis is currently $20,000 and above behind in salaries for their EMTs…
Check out the local politicians social media accounts when the Rams settled their case whith the City of St. Louis. They all put on there we’ve got $790 million dollars now. You add that to the $500 million they got for the stimulus its $1.2 billion dollars and they want to spend it on social issues. Not on life safety issues. When I brought influx of money up at one of the meetings the alderman walked out.
I received a text this morning from one of the concerned firemen. January 1 for ambulances. Four total. Look at the hold times waiting for medics last night. 19 calls on hold.

A St. Louis man told FOX news that it took 10 hours for an ambulance to arrive to help his brother is now in the hospital fighting for his life.

Let’s help put some pressure on the city to provide the taxpayers the services that they deserve. You can contact the mayors office here: Email: [email protected]Phone: (314) 622-3201 open from 8 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday.

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Jim Hᴏft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft's articles here.