The Taliban has halted all evacuee flights out of Afghanistan following the US withdrawal from the country in September. There are reportedly thousands of Americans, military families and green card holders still in the country.
The Daily Caller reported:
The Taliban has paused all evacuation flights out of Afghanistan due to a disagreement over who gets seats on the planes, NBC News reported Thursday.
The flights stopped two weeks ago after the Taliban began demanding seats be given to fighters and sympathizers so that they could go work in other countries and send money back, a congressional official and a source familiar with the matter told NBC.
Afghanistan’s economy is in tatters and millions of Afghans face starvation as temperatures become colder, the Associated Press reported. The Taliban has argued that because U.S.-chartered Qatar Airways flights, which travel between Kabul and Doha, operate in their airspace and airport, they are entitled to a certain number of seats, NBC reported.
Biden left as many as 14,000 Americans in Afghanistan to fend for themselves.
Yet, Biden recently called his exit a success.