Georgia Election Workers Ruby Freeman and Daughter Sue OANN and Rudy Giuliani After Filing Suit Against Gateway Pundit

On December 1, 202o, Georgia election operatives Ruby Freeman and her daughter Wandrea “Shaye” Moss sued The Gateway Pundit, Jim Hoft and Joe Hoft for allegedly conducting a “campaign of lies” against the two women that led to online and in-person harassment against them.

The organization behind the lawsuit is called Protect Democracy, a large far-left political organization.

The two women and their far-left funders targeted The Gateway Pundit after we were the first to identify the women in the late-night ballot-counting video at the State Farm Arena in Atlanta Georgia on November 3rd and the morning of the November 4th.

The Gateway Pundit was also first to report that Ruby Freeman was caught on video shoving stacks of ballots through the voting machines numerous times late at night after all of the election observers were sent home.

UPDATE: More on the Suitcase Vote Scam, the Elections Supervisor and that Strange “Pass” Between Mother and Daughter That Was Also Caught on Video

The anti-Trump officials in Georgia insisted that this was normal procedure in the state of Georgia.  We disagree.  We stand by our accurate reporting.

On Thursday Ruby and Shaye sued Rudy Giuliani and One America News Network.  The two claim they were “defamed by false claims” that they committed ballot fraud in connection to the 2020 election.

Unfortunately for Ruby and Shaye we have the video.  We have the facts.

Newsweek reported:

The lawsuit filed in federal court in Washington, D.C., says One America News Network, a right-wing cable news channel, accused Freeman and Moss, both Fulton County, Georgia, election workers, of ballot fraud even after election officials proved that the allegations were wrong. Giuliani, a lawyer for former President Donald Trump, went on the channel frequently and also “continued to publish and amplify the lie,” according to the lawsuit.

The lawsuit says Freeman and Moss, who are also mother and daughter, experienced “an immediate onslaught of violent and racist threats and harassment” caused by the false claims and are “afraid to live normal lives.” The lawsuit seeks punitive damages and a court order mandating the removal of false statements regarding Freeman and Moss from websites and media channels.

This is the second lawsuit Freeman and Moss have filed this month alleging false accusations of ballot fraud. The two filed a lawsuit against The Gateway Pundit, a conservative website, on December 2. Freeman and Moss said the website published stories with their names when claiming Republicans watching were requested to leave on election night so workers could count fraudulent ballots hidden elsewhere.

That lawsuit said identifying the two in articles alleging ballot fraud led to harassment and threats.

Photo of author
Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft's articles here.