Things must be really bad if lefty hack Chuck Todd is admitting Biden and the Democrats are hated by the majority of Americans.
MSNBC’s “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd on Sunday highlighted a new NBC poll that shows Americans trust Republicans on important issues.
The new polling “is filled with some scary news for the Democrats,” Chuck Todd said.
“Americans have lost their confidence in President Biden and their optimism for the country,” he added.
The country is headed —
In the right direction: 22%
On wrong track: 71%
Biden’s job performance —
Approve: 42%
Disapprove: 54%
Good Sunday morning —
We have a brand new NBC News poll out this morning that's filled with tough news for Democrats.
The country is headed —
In the right direction: 22
On wrong track: 71President Biden’s job performance —
Approve: 42
Disapprove: 54— Meet the Press (@MeetThePress) October 31, 2021