Biden traveled to Boise, Idaho on Monday as part of his visit to the western part of the US.
Joe Biden went off-script at the end of the briefing so the White House cut the feed. This was just the latest time that the White House cut off Joe Biden to save him from himself.
On Tuesday Secretary of State Tony Blinken spoke before the US Senate following the disastrous Biden withdrawal from Afghanistan and the arming of the Taliban terrorists.
During a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on the disastrous U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, Ranking Republican Senator Jim Risch presses Secretary of State Antony Blinken on who at the White House cuts off the president’s microphone when they don’t want him to continue speaking.
Senator Jim Risch: Who in the White House has the authority to press the button and cut off the president’s speaking ability? Who is that person?
Tony Blinken: I think anyone who knows the president including members of this committee knows that he speaks very clearly and very deliberately for himself. No one else does.
Sen. Risch: Are you saying that there is no one in the White House who can cut him off because yesterday that happened and it happened a number of times before that. It’s been widely reported…
Blinken: There is no such person, again the president speaks for himself.
Sen. Risch: So are you unaware that this is actually happening?… So this didn’t happen yesterday or on other occasions when the media showed the American people that his sentence was cut off in midsentence?
Tony Blinken went on to say there is no such person. Then he denied that it has ever happened as the senator suggested. Tony Blinken is a liar – just like the rest of them.