South Africa: Leftist Mob Attacking Senior Center Stopped by Local Militia

After the experience of the near-total breakdown of law and order in Johannesburg and Durban regions this month (GP reported), Afrikaner civil defense groups are organizing to protect their communities. On Wednesday, Boer residents successfully defended an old age home against leftist militants.

The Marxist extremists of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) are known for provoking violence and attacking ‘soft targets’ like schools and farms. EFF leader Julius Malema was banned from singing the hate song “Kill the Boer” 2011, and in 2016 said “We are not calling for the slaughtering of white people, at least for now.” Malema is a former leader of the ANC Youth League, and is considered a more radical bellwether for the leftist ANC.

In his book “Kill the Boer“, Afriforum’s Ernst Roets showed the correlation between Malema’s racist incitement and the gruesome farm attacks in South Africa.

Radical South African race activists frequently claim that Whites “Stole the Land”, even though areas like Johannesburg (elevation 5,751 ft.) were largely uninhabited before they were settled by Afrikaners. In 2019,  Nelson Mandela’s daughter, Zindzi Mandela-Hlongwane, then the ANC’s Ambassador to Denmark, called white South Africans “trembling white cowards” who are the “thieving rapist descendants of Van Riebeck [sic]” and “shivering land thieves.”

On Wednesday, July 28, the EFF had announced a march on an old-age home in Queenswood, Pretoria, which they accused of “racism”, including because employees were “forced to speak Afrikaans” and “the management is white”. Local residents feared the violent radicals would seek to enter the premises and scare the elderly residents into leaving.

However, this time the Boers weren’t taking it lying down. The Bittereinders youth movement organized the community’s civil defense together with the police, and successfully defended the old age home against the racist mob.

Devon Hofmeyr, son of Afrikaner singing star Steve Hofmeyr, reported from the scene of the successful defense operation:

Steve Hofmeyr released his latest song, “‘n Pa se Hart” (“A Father’s Heart”) with A Touch of Class, using footage from the recent riots.


Dusty: Even if you don’t see the gardens and the trains
Or the city of Jakaranda like it was
The beauty of Hatfield Square
As the people gathered until late at night

Steve: And even if you don’t know a world
Where the people want to stand up
I believe one day you shall…

All: And I’ll protect you when you get scared
And I’ll silence the voices in the dark,
But the flames of the fire shall not reach you,
Because in every father’s heart
It’s written in black and white

Steve:  Even if you don’t hear a voice of hope and guidance
And even if you see no example to follow
No news report about dams overflowing
Or a people who want to care of their  fellow man

Dusty: And even if you don’t see a world
Where the bad things may perish
I believe one day you shall…

Refrain: And I’ll protect you when you get scared
And I’ll silence the voices in the dark,
But the flames of the fire shall not reach you,
Because in every father’s heart
It’s written in black and white

Do you know how I pray for you and cry for you my child
World we once knew, blown away by winds of change
The same winds that bring the fires
Your voice will one day be able to sing along

Ref: And I’ll protect you when you get scared
And I’ll silence the voices in the dark,
But the flames of the fire shall not reach you,
Because in every father’s heart
It’s written in black and white.


Performed by: Steve Hofmeyr and Touch Of Class
Songwriter: Johan Oberholzer



(EDITOR’S NOTE: Sympathetic GP readers often comment “South Africans should come to the USA / leave South Africa before it’s too late”.

While some Afrikaners have left for other countries, they consider themselves Africans.

“We were born here, and we will die here”, we were told.)


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