FIREWORKS: Radical Far-Left Media Voices From MSNBC, Vox and Media Matters Malign NY City Candidate Adams for Questioning Election – Now Slink Away

The big bad media roars like a lion whenever they are allowed to by their masters, but when the truth comes out, they shy away like little preschool girls.

Members of various media outlets attacked one of the candidates in the New York City election saying he was crazy when he claimed the election was rigged.  Now that he is right, they go silent.  This was pointed out by a man of real courage, Mr. Glen Greenwald:

Once with far-left circus clown act Media Matters, always a clown:

The radical left will eat their own once they destroy the weak Republican party, New York is a case study.

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Joe Hoft is a Radio Host at, Author, Former International Corporate Executive in Hong Kong for a Decade, and a Contributor at TGP since 2016. Joe is the author of five books, including his new bestseller, "The Steal: Volume II - The Impossible Occurs" which addresses the stolen 2020 Election and provides an inventory of issues that prove that the 2020 Election was uncertifiable and never should have been certified for Joe Biden.

You can email Joe Hoft here, and read more of Joe Hoft's articles here.