CNN rolled out Dr. Peter Hotez of Houston to scare the few people watching the fake news outlet into getting the Covid vaccine.
“The Delta variant is like nothing we’ve seen before,” Dr. Hotez said as he made his case for vaccination. “This is twice as infectious as anything we’ve seen .. If you’re a young adult or adolescent, don’t listen to the anti-vaccine nonsense that says if you go to the gym and eat a healthy diet, that’s good enough — it’s not…”
Not one word from the good doctor about how potentially dangerous the Covid jab is for adolescents.
Myocarditis (heart inflammation) after the Covid-19 shot is “higher than expected” in young men and teen boys.
But this doctor is telling healthy young adults and teens who have virtually zero chance of dying from Covid to put themselves at risk of Myocarditis rather than working out and eating right.
Dr. @PeterHotez: “The Delta variant is like nothing we’ve seen before … This is twice as infectious as anything we’ve seen .. If you’re a young adult or adolescent, don’t listen to the anti-vaccine nonsense that says if you go to the gym & eat a healthy diet, that’s enough."
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) June 30, 2021
They are NEVER going to let go of their power.
Los Angeles County public health officials are now “strongly” recommending everybody – vaccinated and unvaccinated – wear a face mask indoors due to spread of the “Delta” variant.