AZ Audit: Hand Recount Will COMPLETE TODAY – Senate President Karen Fann and Wyoming Officials Tour Floor – Rumblings of Future State Audits

The hand counting portion of the Arizona Audit is finally concluding with the last boxes of ballots on the floor.  Audit officials have been replacing hand-counting tables with forensic imaging tables in order to expedite that section of the full forensic audit.


More tours are planned for today and more audits may start as soon as July!

We should have a hand count result in about a week and with the discrepancies found so far, it does not look like we will find all 2.1 million ballots certified in Maricopa County.  At least, that is what we are hearing.

If we do not find the ballots, we do not have evidence that Joe Biden was the legitimate winner of Arizona. On Saturday, former Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens told The Gateway Pundit that, if there are not enough ballots in Arizona, legislators must stand up and decertify the results.

We can expect a Freight Train of Audits to be in full steam with more states touring, and more audits potentially starting up next month.

Voter Fraud in Wisconsin – Massive Dump of Over 100,000 Ballots for Biden All the Sudden Appear Overnight

Today, tours will be given to Arizona state Senate President Karen Fann and a delegation from Wyoming.

ALL 50 STATES need to come to Arizona to see this process and consider replicating it to secure their elections.

Why are our public servants not doing everything in their power to ensure our elections are safe?

It seems as though their reelection would depend on it unless they are possibly benefitting from a stolen election?

We are keeping our eyes on two states, Pennsylvania and Georgia, which may start audits as early as next month.

In Georgia, there will be a court hearing next Monday for Fulton County’s ballots.  An audit of Fulton County, Georgia absentee ballots could start within 2 or 3 weeks after as Georgia elections expert Garland Favorito told TGP.  But that is only if there is no more delay in the courts.

GA Senator Burt Jones Speaks to TGP’s Conradson after AZ Audit Tour: “Very Well Organized, Very Businesslike Operation” – GA Secretary of State Is Trying to Put Obstacles Up


In Pennsylvania, PA State Sen. Dave Argall is fumbling his role in the audit and he has passed the ball to Senator Jake Corman, who is opposed to this process of secure elections. 

If you would like to see the audit in PA happen, contact Jake Corman and tell him to restore confidence in Pennsylvania’s elections. 

Jake Corman, why don’t you come to Arizona and see this process first? It is very weak of you to betray your constituents.

You may call, email, fax,  send a letter or reach Corman on social media. Contact him NOW and demand that he fight for your vote!

Senator Jake Corman 
Senate Box 203034
Harrisburg, PA 17120-3034
Room: 350 Main Capitol
(717) 787-1377
FAX: (717) 772-3146
Senator Jake Corman 
236 Match Factory Place
Bellefonte, PA 16823
(814) 355-0477
FAX: (814) 355-6046


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Jordan Conradson, formerly TGP’s Arizona correspondent, is currently on assignment in Washington DC. Jordan has played a critical role in exposing fraud and corruption in Arizona's elections and elected officials. His reporting on election crimes in Maricopa County led to the resignation of one election official, and he was later banned from the Maricopa County press room for his courage in pursuit of the truth. TGP and Jordan finally gained access after suing Maricopa County, America's fourth largest county, and winning at the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. Conradson looks forward to bringing his aggressive style of journalism to the Swamp.

You can email Jordan Conradson here, and read more of Jordan Conradson's articles here.