This is Peak 2021.
The year of the Marxist police state.
This was INSANE!
Security staff at an Omaha Beef baseball game at the Ralston Arena body-slammed and cuffed a fan for not wearing a mask while eating with his family at a game.
Then they dragged him out of the game.
His son is seen crying at the end of the video. How awful.
Then the local police come — without masks on — and lecture him about “fighting” in the stadium! WTH?
Per Phill Collins post:
Ok, everyone this is the earliest video I have of the incident, you can clearly see me sitting down and non-combative at which point the female off-duty comes up from behind and knocks my beer out of my hand. I then stood up because it was unexpected and I was all wet when Mr. Internal Affairs decided to start grabbing at me and telling me I was under arrest. For what I asked ? Who are you, I don’t see a badge ? What’s your badge # ? Am I wrong or would you let an officer that refuses to identify himself tell you that you are under arrest and not give you a reason ? I didn’t get any of that info until there were actually on duty officers present and I was in handcuffs. Then the on duty officers refused to charge me with anything, and let me go because they knew I hadn’t done anything wrong. All this over a teenager who let his mask slip below his nose in the presence of the Per-Mar Nazi’s.
This was pure insanity!
And you can see one of the guards isn’t even wearing his mask correctly!
Here is a closeup of the arrest!
Another Facebook user shared his experience:
The fan’s name is Phil Collins and he started a Boycott Ralston Arena Facebook page after the incident for for anyone who has been harassed and attacked at Ralston Arena by Per-Mar Security Guards and Off-Duty Cops.