Crime Soaring In Left-Wing Cities That Defunded The Police

Crime is soaring in left-wing cities that have defunded the police.

Newsmax reported:

Movements to defund the police have grown since George Floyd died in police custody in Minneapolis. Defunding means reallocating or redirecting funding away from the police department to other government agencies funded by the local municipality.

More than 20 major cities have reduced their police budgets in some form, though the scale and circumstances vary.

The results have not fared well in Los Angeles, Oakland, New York City, Portland and Austin. Homicides in Oakland, California, have risen 314 percent compared with the same time last year and law enforcement has seen a 113 percent increase in firearms assaults.

Here are the crime rate increases for major left-wing cities:

-Portland saw homicides rise 270.6% between July 2020 and February of this year.

-New York City saw an increase of 11.8% from March 21st, 2020 to March 21st, 2021.

-Los Angeles saw a 38%  increase in murders in 2020 and as of March 2021, they have already seen a 28.1% increase in murders this year.

-Minneapolis saw total violent crime rise 22% from July 22nd, 2020 to March 28th, 2021.

Minneapolis promised after the death of George Floyd to defund the police.

With crime rising, residents called for more police — and the city backtracked.

Now, Minneapolis is spending $6.4 million to hire new police officers.

‘Defund the Police’ Movement Spectacularly Fails: Minneapolis to Spend $6.4M Hiring More Cops

The Defund the Police movement made Americans less safe.

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