STUNNING TESTIMONY: Michigan Election Observer Shane Trejo Witnessed Drivers Bring in 50 Boxes of “Absentee Ballots” After Midnight Deadline into Detroit TCF Center at 3:30am


Shane Trejo witnessed the 3:30am Biden Ballot Drop that gave Michigan from Trump to Biden.

The media has called this “unsubstantiated” but Trejo describe it to The Gateway Pundit in full detail.

No media outlet has contacted or spoken with Trejo about this incident. This is part of the constant media suppression and cover up of news about voter fraud around the country.

“There were thousands of ballots in each box,” Trejo says. “There were at least 50 boxes that I saw unloaded at 3:30am, well after the 8:00pm deadline for ballots to show up.”

“They should have been dumped on us at once, when there wasn’t a potentiality of fraud. There was no reason for them to show up this late at night.”

Shane Trejo believes that those were fraudulent votes and that the election was stolen.

Trejo was the intrepid journalist behind the exclusive series, #DetroitLeaks, that documented the training for Detroit poll workers where they were trained how to fight Republicans and how to cover up evidence of stealing the vote. 

The 3:30am the Biden Ballot Drop was the first ballot delivery since 10:30pm, then 138,000 ballots showed up suddenly. Trejo says the ballots could not be processed right when they arrived, so by the time they were starting to be counted, a new shift of poll workers had started.

This is important because Trejo explains that the Biden Ballot Drop was dropped off at the end of one shift and left uncounted, so when the new shift came to count ballots they didn’t know where the ballots had come from. 

Trejo repeatedly asked about this truck to site supervisors and was STONEWALLED.

Trejo also connects the Biden Ballot Drop with the ejection of GOP Poll Challengers and covering up of windows at the TCF Center by Detroit election workers. According to Trejo, this was done to prevent anyone from seeing the ballots from the Biden Ballot Drop from being counted, often with missing signatures, and missing envelopes. 

The 3:30am Biden Ballot Drop was covered up by ejecting GOP Poll Challengers and by the literal covering up of windows so no one could see the ballot fraud going on.

The mainstream media has tried to explain the Biden Ballot Drop as either video equipment being delivered or food, but Trejo is adamant that he saw that these were absentee ballots. Other witnesses saw the same delivery and saw the absentee ballots that were in the boxes.

Trejo took down the license plates and descriptions of all the people involved, and hopes that litigation will reveal this massive voter fraud that stole Michigan from President Trump.

Trejo and his primary publisher, Big League Politics, were sent a cease-and-desist to remove all articles, video, and audio documenting their series #DetroitLeaks last week. This series captured the training for Detroit poll workers that showed how they could cover up illegal voting. That series predicted many of the things that GOP Poll Challengers describe happening in Detroit on election night.

Some media outlets are trying to claim that this was video and camera equipment being unloaded. At the time, several witnesses said they were told this was a food delivery even though it was the middle of the night. Witnesses have also said that it is notable 

“There’s no way this was camera equipment, I could see the boxes and could see what they were doing. What kind of camera equipment has fifty boxes of ballot-like papers sticking out of them? Why would the City Clerk of Detroit be moving video equipment at 3:30am in the one spot where ballots were being dropped off?”

Witnesses say that an announcement was made over the loudspeaker that a new round of ballots had arrived and would be counted, causing poll workers to inexplicably cheer. Another announcement was made around 5:00am that those ballots had been counted.

Another eyewitness, a government employee in Michigan who said he feared repercussions, said that at his table he overheard the team leader say that it was a “lost driver” who had now arrived with absentee ballots.

Trejo claims the media has done zero journalism to investigate his story and claims. 

“No media outlet seems interested in this story, and whenever I try to share it on social media it gets deleted.”





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Former writer for Human Events, Morris NorthStar, and The Federalist. 2023 ISI George Washington Statesman Fellow. Featured in the Washington City Paper, Washington Post, New York Times, and Playboy.

You can email Benjamin Wetmore here, and read more of Benjamin Wetmore's articles here.