Oh my – MSM could never let this one out.
The far-left media would never report this three days before an election even though it was certainly news worthy.
Yesterday in Butler, Pennsylvania in the cold, President Trump held a rally and 58,000 God and America loving Americans showed up to support the President.
58,000 showed up for President Trump in Butler, PA. Those are rock star numbers. Biden literally can’t fill a minivan. pic.twitter.com/8xr5TvyhxB
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) November 1, 2020
A video of the Osprey’s arriving before the event from a friend of the Gateway Pundit:
Yesterday’s rally in Pennsylvania- HUGE pic.twitter.com/2kaXqU9zNZ
— Joe Hoft (@joehoft) November 1, 2020
Another friend, Rose Unplugged, shared in the pre-program before the President arrived and threw out some hats before getting started: