UPDATE: Since posting this video below by frontline US doctors and after over 17 million views Facebook has cencored the video!!
This video has been CENSORED by Facebook after +17million views. Also censored by YouTube.
Big Tech thinks it knows better than licensed doctors and medical professionals.
Article soon… https://t.co/TbJDuJRkJZ
— Allum Bokhari (@LibertarianBlue) July 28, 2020
Frontline doctors from across the US held a “White Coat Summit” on Monday in Washington DC to dispel the misinformation and myths surrounding the coronavirus.
The doctors are very concerned with the disinformation campaign being played out in the far left American media today.
From their website: “If Americans continue to let so-called experts and media personalities make their decisions, the great American experiment of a Constitutional Republic with Representative Democracy, will cease.”
Here is a list of the doctors speaking at the event today.
Here is the first day agenda from this week’s summit:
8:30 am: Coffee, Opening Remarks
9:00 am: Panel #1 Schools
10:00 am: Topic #2 The Virus/Disease Facts
10:20 am: Topic #2 Hoaxes Identified
10:40 am: Panel #2 Hoaxes Demonstrated
11:10 am: Panel #2 Medical Cancel Culture
11:30 am: Topic #3 Fear
11:45 am: Topic #4 Public Policy
12:00 pm: Lunch
1:00 pm: Capitol Hill Photo Op
2:00 pm: Capitol Hill Press Conference
4:00 pm: Panel 2: HCQ
5:00 pm: Topic #4: Follow the Money
5:30 pm: Panel #3: Lockdowns
4:00-8:00 pm: Individual Physician Interviews