Portland Rioters Break Through Barricade At Courthouse, Trap People Inside, Light Fires (VIDEO)

In what seems like perpetual “protests” that turn into riots, the antifa terrorists in Portland on Sunday night tore down the large fence barricade that was erected around the Hatfield federal courthouse, then used parts of it to barricade the walls and doors to trap people inside, while at the same time setting a fire on the steps.

Jorge Ventura from Daily Caller was on the ground and has this footage:

Pro antifa terrorism videorapher Robert Evans has been out nearly every night covering the chaos. Here are some shots of the scene from view:

Also on hand was Shelby Talcott, also from Daily Caller:


Then the terrorists started lighting fires, which included burning an American flag. Note the “Kill Kops” graffiti.



Then the federal officers came out to clear the crowd:

All the while the wackjob elected leaders in the Portland area, such as “mayor” ted wheeler and US Senator jeff merkley (intentional lower case), refuse to condemn the riotous acts committed by the terrorists, and instead complain that it’s the federal officers who are inciting and escalating the situation.

This is the future under far left rule.