UPDATE: Antifa and Black Lives Matter Rioters Smash Amazon Store in Seattle, Attack TV News Crew and Police Precincts, Start Arson Fires (Video)

Antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters attacked an Amazon store in Seattle on Sunday. Video posted by conservative activist and citizen reporter Katie Daviscourt shows an Antifa and BLM mob smashing windows and spray painting the store’s front window and wall. The video is cut short as an Antifa goon orders the filming to stop. Other stores and the Seattle Police West Precinct were attacked by the rioters, resulting in a wounded officer being taken to the hospital. A Seattle TV news reporter and his camera man were also attacked by the “peaceful protesters.” (Updates at end: small arson fires were set at a Starbucks and the police East Precinct.)

Daviscourt also reported seeing armed Antifa and BLM in cars.

Seattle police warned of looting in the area.

KOMO-TV reporter Cole Miller reported more looting and an attack on a police precinct Miller and his cameraman were attacked by the rioters who ordered them to leave:

Seattle police reported on the attack on the West Precinct, “Large crowd continuing to march on Pike Street from downtown. Two individuals were arrested outside of the West Precinct. Demonstrators threw rocks, bottles and other items at officers. At least one officer has been transported to the hospital.”

UPDATE: A Starbucks was set on fire, but the fire was quickly put out.

Seattle Police update: Photos and east Precinct attacked, “Demonstrators went from Westlake Park to the Municipal Courthouse and then headed back north to the West Precinct…leaving behind a trail of property destruction. These are criminal acts, not peaceful protests…The protesters broke out several windows of the East Precinct, then threw a device into the lobby that ignited a small fire…The fire at the East Precinct has been extinguished. No injuries reported.”

UPDATE: Starbucks arson from earlier in the day:

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Kristinn Taylor has contributed to The Gateway Pundit for over ten years. Mr. Taylor previously wrote for Breitbart, worked for Judicial Watch and was co-leader of the D.C. Chapter of FreeRepublic.com. He studied journalism in high school, visited the Newseum and once met David Brinkley.

You can email Kristinn Taylor here, and read more of Kristinn Taylor's articles here.