The office of former President Barack Obama accused the Republican investigation of Joe Biden’s crack-head son and Ukraine as “Russian disinformation.”
Hunter Biden and Joe Biden golfing with a Burisma executive
The Office of former President Obama said the investigation of Hunter Biden was more “Russian disinformation.”
This comes at the same time investigators revealed Obama’s participation in the illicit if not illegal spying on the Trump campaign.
Buzzfeed reported:
The office of former president Barack Obama privately blasted a congressional investigation into former vice president Joe Biden and his son, as well as alleged Ukrainian election interference, calling it an effort “to give credence to a Russian disinformation campaign,” according to a letter obtained by BuzzFeed News.
In March, Obama’s office told the National Archives and Records Administration — which maintains presidential records — that a request from two top Republican senators for Obama administration documents related to Ukraine was improper.
This is the latest lie by Barack Obama that will be ignored by the media.
As we reported previously, it wasn’t just Republicans who were investigating Hunter Biden — So were the Ukrainians!
Hunter Biden: board member of Burisma from April 2014 to April 2019
The head of Burisma Holdings was indicted in Ukraine in November 2019.
Ukrainian Prosecutor General indicted Burisma owner Nikolai Zlochevsky.
The claim alleges that Hunter Biden and his partners received $16.5 million for their ‘services’ with Burisma Holdings.
The indictment was damning and revealed Hunter Biden’s income under his contract with Burisma shows a “link that reveals how money is siphoned [from Ukraine].”
Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden took a lucrative post on the Burisma Board in 2014.
Hunter Biden was making millions from the corrupt Ukrainian oil and gas company.
The Ukrainian Office of the Prosecutor General has drawn up an indictment against the owner of the Burisma Holdings energy company, ex-Ecology Minister Nikolai Zlochevsky, that contains information that the son of former US Vice President Joe Biden, Hunter, as a Burisma board member along with his partners received $16.5 million for their services, Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada MP from the ruling Servant of the People party Alexander Dubinsky told a press conference on Wednesday, citing the investigation’s materials. According to him, the money came from duplicitous criminal activity.
According to the politician, “the son of Vice-President Joe Biden was receiving payment for his services, with money raised through criminal means and money laundering.” He also clarified that “Biden received money that did not come from the company’s successful operation but rather from money stolen from citizens.”
Dubinsky stressed that the information on Hunter Biden’s income under his contract with Burisma is a “link that reveals how money is siphoned [from Ukraine].“
Ukrainian MP Alexander Dubinsky said in a presser Wednesday that he will reveal information about a “pyramid scheme” created in Ukraine using stolen funds, moved offshore and “bought Ukrainian public bonds turning them into the Ukrainian sovereign debt.”
Joe Biden’s drug addict son Hunter was sitting on the board of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian natural gas company and being paid by some accounts over $200,000 a month even though he had zero experience in the field.
According to Reuters the investigations into Burisma was going on FOR YEARS.
Don’t expect the fake news mainstream media to report any of this today.