Comey Lashes Out at DOJ Leadership After Department Drops Case Against General Mike Flynn

The Justice Department dropped its case against General Mike Flynn Thursday after bombshell documents released proved he was framed by Comey’s FBI.

Comey lashed out at the leadership of the DOJ after the Department dropped its case against Flynn.

“The DOJ has lost its way. But, career people: please stay because America needs you. The country is hungry for honest, competent leadership.” Comey said in a tweet.

Recall, US Attorney General Bill Barr assigned his top counsel to be the interim US Attorney in Washington, D.C. to oversee the lingering Mueller cases.

Mr. Barr chose his top counsel at the DOJ, Timothy Shea, to replace outgoing US Attorney Jessie Liu to “oversee some of the lingering cases from special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.”

Timothy Shea got to work releasing Brady material that Mueller’s thug attorney Brandon Van Grack had been withholding from Flynn’s lawyers and the Court.

Flynn’s lawyer Sidney Powell relentlessly fought to have Flynn’s case dismissed and on Thursday her hard work paid off.

The DOJ said in its motion to dismiss that “The interview of Mr. Flynn was untethered to, and unjustified by, the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into Mr. Flynn.”

The DOJ was referring to the January 24, 2017 ambush FBI interview conducted by FBI counterintel chief Peter Strzok and FBI special agent Joe Pientka.

Comey previously bragged to Nicolle Wallace that he sent Peter Strzok and Joe Pientka to the White House to ambush General Flynn.

“I sent them,” Comey said as Nicolle Wallace giggled like a schoolgirl.

Comey should be prosecuted and thrown in prison for framing General Flynn.

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Cristina began writing for The Gateway Pundit in 2016 and she is now the Associate Editor.

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