REVEALED: All But Two of the Radical Far-Left DOJ Attorneys Who Signed Petition for Fraudulent Mueller Investigation Also Signed Petition for AG Barr to Resign

Former New York City Mayor and President Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani was on Lou Dobbs Tonight on FOX Business channel to discuss recent events involving the Democrats actions to destroy the US Constitution.  The first topic surrounded the list of former DOJ attorneys that asked AG Barr to resign over the weekend.

This planned and timed list of far-left actors was just another production by the unconstitutional left.

Dobbs: I have to say when I saw this letter, it had 1,100 signatures on it.  That’s a lot of signatures but there are 100,000  employees right now working in the Justice Department.

Rudy: That’s only a small fraction of the stupid lawyers in Washington, and the ones that have lost any sense of their legal education and have become political hacks.

It’s not surprising that the DOJ could find 1,100 far-left attorneys to sign the petition for AG Barr to resign.  The Washington Times reported that DOJ employees donate to Democrats over Republicans by a ratio of 20 to 1:

In the 2016 election cycle, Justice employees gave $438,077 to Hillary Clinton’s Democratic presidential campaign and $23,874 to that of Republican Donald Trump, according to, an arm of the Center for Responsive Politics, which crunched the numbers based on Federal Election Commission reports.

What’s also not surprising is that all the DOJ attorneys who signed the petition for former DAG Rod Rosenstein to create the fraudulent Mueller Special Counsel, also signed the petition for AG Barr to resign, with the exception of only two individuals.

In 2017, a group of 180 far-left attorneys from New York signed a petition urging for a fraudulent Special Counsel:

A group of 180 former U.S. Attorneys and Assistant U.S. Attorneys for the Southern District of New York have sent a bipartisan letter to Deputy U.S. Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein asking that the Department Of Justice appoint a special counsel “to oversee the FBI’s continuing investigation of Russian interference with the 2016 Presidential election and related matters.”

Of course this was all pre-planned as well as the corrupt attorneys asked for a corrupt investigation to remove the President they hated from office.  Here’s the list with some additional observations on a few of the participants:

Jonathan S. Abernethy – One of the  720 former federal prosecutors who signed letter saying Trump would’ve been prosecuted if he weren’t president.
Elkan Abramowitz – Complained about Comey reopening Clinton email investigationIs also Weinstein’s lawyer.
Richard F. Albert
Marcus A. Asner – Donated only to D candidates
Martin J. Auerbach – Has a client who would benefit if Trump wasn’t POTUS, and is an Obama crony
Miriam Baer – Doesn’t get more swampier than she
Thomas H. Baer – Democrat strategist/Clinton supporter
Kerri Martin Bartlett
Maria Barton
Andrew Bauer
Bernard W. Bell – Bill Clinton defender
Richard Ben-Veniste – Worked on the Benito Romano investigation, which places him close to Preet Bharara/Bruce Ohr/Lisa Page/Comey/Gaeta
Neil S. Binder
Laura Gossfield Birger – Alex Van Der Zwaan’s attorney
Ira H. Block – I’m betting he has something to do with the Tokhtakhunov investigation
Suzanne Jaffe Bloom – Clinton donor
Barry A. Bohrer
Daniel H. Bookin – Clinton donor
Jane E. Booth
Katharine Bostick – Microsoft
Laurie E. Brecher – Former Covington & Burling atty
David M. Brodsky – NeverTrumper
Stacey Mortiz Brodsky (Wife of David Brodsky)
William Bronner  (Did not sign Barr resignation letter)
Jennifer K. Brown
Marshall A. Camp
Bennett Capers
Michael Q. Carey
Neil S. Cartusciello
Sarah Chapman
Robert J. Cleary
Brian D. Coad
Glenn C. Colton
William Craco
Nelson W. Cunningham
Constance Cushman
Frederick T. Davis
John M. Desmarais
Rhea Dignam
Gregory L. Diskant
Philip L. Douglas
Sean Eskovitz
Jesse T. Fardella
Meir Feder
Ira M. Feinberg
Michael S. Feldberg
Steven D. Feldman
Edward T. Ferguson
David Finn
Eric P. Fisher
Sharon E. Frase
Steven I. Froot
Maria T. Galeno
Catherine Gallo
Robert Garcia
Kay K. Gardiner
Ronald L. Garnett
Scott Gilbert
Barbara S. Gillers
Mark Godsey
Joshua A. Goldberg
James A. Goldston
Mark P. Goodman (Did not sign Barr Resignation letter)
George I. Gordon
Sheila Gowan
Stuart GraBois
Paul R. Grand
Helen Gredd
Bruce Green
Marc L. Greenwald
Jamie Gregg
James G. Greilsheimer
Jane Bloom Grise
Nicole Gueron
Barbara Guss
Steven M. Haber
Jonathan Halpern
David Hammer
Jeffrey Harris
Mark D. Harris
Roger J. Hawke
Steven P. Heineman
Mark R. Hellerer
William Hibsher
Jay Holtmeier
John R. Horan
Patricia M. Hynes
Linda Imes
Douglas Jensen
James Kainen
Eugene Kaplan
Steven M. Kaplan
William C. Komaroff
David Koenigsberg
Cynthia Kouril
Mary Ellen Kris
Stephen Kurzman
Nicole LaBarbera
Kerry Lawrence
Sherry Leiwant
Jane A. Levine
Annmarie Levins
Raymond A. Levites
Donna H. Lieberman
Jon Liebman – Member of CFR
Sarah E. Light
Jon Lindsey
Robin A. Linsenmayer
Edward J.M. Little
Mary Shannon Little
Walter Loughlin
Daniel Margolis
Walter Mack
Kathy S. Marks
Mark E. Matthews
Marvin S. Mayell
Sharon L. McCarthy
James J. McGuire
Joan McPhee
Christine Meding
Paul K. Milmed
Judith L. Mogul
David E. Montgomery
Lynn Neils
Peter Neiman
Rosemary Nidiry
Tai H. Park
Robert M. Pennoyer
Elliott R. Peters
Michael Pinnisi
Robert Plotz
Henry Putzel
T. Gorman Reilly
Emily Reisbaum
Peter Rient
Roland G. Riopelle
Michael A. Rogoff
Benito Romano
Amy Rothstein
Thomas C. Rubin
Daniel S. Ruzumna
Robert W. Sadowski
Elliot G. Sagor
Peter Salerno
Joseph F. Savage
John F. Savarese
Edward Scarvalone
Kenneth I. Schacter
Frederick Schaffer
Gideon A. Schor
Julian Schreibman
Wendy Schwartz
Linda Severin
David Siegal
Marjorie A. Silver
Paul H. Silverman
Charles Simon
Carolyn L. Simpson
David Sipiora
Dietrich L. Snell
Peter Sobol
Ira Lee Sorkin
David W. Spears
Katherine Stanton
Franklin H. Stone
Richard M. Strassberg
Howard S. Sussman
Erika Thomas
Richard Toder
Timothy J. Treanor
Paula Tuffin
Peter Vigeland
David Wales
Max Wild
Samuel J. Wilson
Elaine Wood
Paulette Wunsch
Thomas Zaccaro
Ellen Zimiles

One individual, Josh Mogil, who signed the the Barr letter but not the Rosenstein letter worked for the corrupt Sally Yates and attended meetings with her regarding FISA requests, which now all know were fraudulent and used to call for the therefore fraudulent Mueller Investigation.

Of course the corrupt Democrats could obtain a list of 1,100 attorneys from the DOJ who would want AG Bill Barr to resign.  As Rudy said, the US Constitution no longer matters to them.

Hat tip D. Manny

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Joe Hoft is a Radio Host at, Author, Former International Corporate Executive in Hong Kong for a Decade, and a Contributor at TGP since 2016. Joe is the author of five books, including his new bestseller, "The Steal: Volume II - The Impossible Occurs" which addresses the stolen 2020 Election and provides an inventory of issues that prove that the 2020 Election was uncertifiable and never should have been certified for Joe Biden.

You can email Joe Hoft here, and read more of Joe Hoft's articles here.