Flanked by Black Trump Supporters and Ex-Cons, Self-Described “Trumpocrat” Rod Blagojevich Says it is Trump Who is Fixing “Broken and Racist” Criminal Justice System

Democrats and Never-Trumpers are shaking with rage as Trump’s move to commute Governor Rod Blagojevich’s 14-year sentence was met with jubilation from Chicago’s black community.

The former governor, who held a press conference Wednesday morning, unleashed a torrent of gratitude to the president—and truth-bombs aimed at the Democrats’ failure to address an issue of key concern to the black community: criminal justice reform.

“No one has done more to fix this broken and racist criminal justice system than President Trump and Jared Kushner,” said Blagojevich as the crowd shouted support for both President Trump and the former governor, now calling himself a Trumpocrat:

Everyday people who find themselves caught up in this system…recognize the futility in fighting for their rights, they just give in, and under duress…unfair and cruel over-sentencing is the rule. It is a broken criminal justice system and it has been for a long time.

And it’s a racist criminal justice system. No one is doing more to fix this broken criminal justice system than president trump and Jared Kushner.

Key members of Chicago’s black community lobbied for Blagojevich’s release and today surrounded him to celebrate and see their concerns given media attention.

Activists Paul McKinley and Mark Carter, critics of Barack Obama, the Democrat Party and Chicago-Machine politics, stood at Blagojevich’s side during his press conference:

“He opened the jobs, contracts, and opportunities for all residents of Illinois regardless of race or economic background.” McKinley told The Gateway Pundit, “he wasn’t with the Machine.”

Like Blagojevich, McKinley and Carter are ex-offenders themselves and vocal advocates for President Trump, who led in the fight for criminal justice reform long before Hollywood helped put the term in America’s mainstream consciousness.

Blagojevich overtly trashed what he alluded was his former Democrat party, slamming the Clinton’s 1994 Crime Bill, that did more to increase the U.S. incarceration rate than any other presidential administration in history.

For anyone that has spent real time on the street in Chicago, Trump’s actions were just, constitutional, and also a brilliant no-brainer. Blagojevich was a liberal politician, to be sure, but he was also the son of Eastern European parents who fled Communism when they came to America.

He was no friend of the Illinois political combine. He regularly battled with establishment figures in both the Democrat and Republican Parties.

He was also an incredibly popular governor that connected with the people. During his term he maintained residence in his Chicago bungalow rather than the Governor’s mansion in Springfield and could be seen regularly jogging down the local city blocks, always giving a friendly wave and smile to the people.

His inordinately long sentence and the cold-shoulder he received from Democrats (and in particular former President Obama) has given him a unique perspective on his former political party and just what and who the real Swamp is.

Flanked by his family and supporters, Blagojevich exclaimed his deepest gratitude to President Trump while at the same time giving an acute glimpse of what is likely next to come from the political firebrand:

President Trump is not a typical politician…he’s a problem-solver in a business where too many people don’t want to solve problems I’m a Trumpocrat. If I have an ability to vote I’m going to vote for him…he has the courage to challenge the old way. He’s the one who’s actually fighting to change things.

Missing from Blagojevich’s mentions: Obama. In fact, in January 2017, Blagojevich’s daughter Amy penned an open letter excoriating President Obama:

You didn’t have to pardon him, only commute the sentence. You just had to let him come home. You didn’t. You released others, like Chelsea Manning or FALN terrorists, who actually committed reprehensible crimes, but you failed to release an innocent man…. I am shocked at how bitter and full of hate I have become…. I truly thought you were a good person. I guess I was just as brainwashed as everyone else. At least now I can see the blood on your hands.


Thanks for sharing!