Sloppy Joe Promises to Cure Cancer if Elected President (VIDEO)

Sloppy Joe on Tuesday promised Iowans he’s going to cure cancer if he’s elected president — because he couldn’t do it while he was VP for 8 years, he’s going to pull it off when he’s nearly 80 years old and president of the United States.

Biden sounded super low energy on Tuesday in Ottumwa, Iowa.

He was putting the crowd to sleep so he had to say something to rile them up so he promised to cure cancer.

‘I promise you. If I’m elected president, you’re gonna see the single most important thing that changes America — we’re gonna cure cancer,” Biden said

So Biden couldn’t cure cancer the last 50 years he was in government, including 8 years as Vice President, but he’s coming to the rescue now.


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Cristina began writing for The Gateway Pundit in 2016 and she is now the Associate Editor.

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