As reported last week, a venue called the Friendly House played host to a child centric drag queen show in Portland (where else), featuring 10 year old drag kid Sparkle Lynn More. It was also promoted on as a gay audience event. Street videographer Brandon Farley attended the event and has posted video of the entire thing on his YouTube channel.
They event started off with Hugo Cuellar introducing the host/MC, Diva Dott.
Diva Dott:
The first performance was by Ramona Dott, who lip synched and danced to the soundtrack of Disney’s “Into The Woods,” likely to appeal to the children in attendance. You can hear people comment “she’s so pretty.”
Note the hearts all over the wall, along with heart balloons. Apparently Miss Ramona got a little too touchy-feely.
Next came Autch Daddi Dott, performing as Pee Wee Herman singing Bird Is The Word, but not before Diva gives a shout out to the LGBTQIAOS community.
Then Diva Dott had his (?) own performance, dancing and lip synching to Bjork.
Panhandling for tips was common throughout the event, with attendees encouraged to toss some green into a plastic pumpkin.
Then came Dramatica Dott, doing “Green Light” by Lorde.
Then this happened on stage, in front of children. And it wasn’t an accident.
Then it was time for everyone’s favorite little celebrity, as Diva Dott, giddy with excitement, introduced Sparkle Lynn More, the 10 year old drag kid. Except Diva referred to Sparkle as “her” or “she” several times, indicating that Sparkle is transitioning. After thanking Sparkle’s parents, Diva Dott goes “We got a 10 year old drag queen in the house. Can I get a Amen?”
This shot captions itself.
Sparkle performed to RuPaul’s “Cover Girl,” which features the line “When they see me, they want to be me, I am the fantasy.” Hugo Cuellar appears fascinated with 10 year old Sparkle and starts recording Sparkle with his phone.
As the video plays, one can’t help but notice how many middle aged and older guys are in attendance with no children.
The event then went into intermission. Here’s Sparkle hanging out with his/her family
Some of the other attendees.
When they came back from wardrobe change, Ramona Dott once again took the stage. The kids look very enthused.
Then it was Diva Dott’s turn again. Andshecame out dressed like this:
Then she started getting touchy-feely with the kids:
Dramattica Dott pranced around to Stevie Nicks wearing this.
Then it was time for Sparkle More again.
Then Autch Daddi Dott returned wearing Mickey Mouse pajamas to close out the show, and proceeded too spray some kind of purple glitter bottle before joining the others.
Not included in the video was the “pre drag crafting.”
There were also little explainer flyers posted next each of the flags. (Photos by Brandon Farley)
VIDEO of the entire event by Brandon Farley of Optics Media: