Twitter Erupts After Based Lindsey Graham Encourages Don Jr. to Ignore Senate Intel Subpoena (VIDEO)

Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) encouraged Donald Trump Jr. to ignore the Senate Intel subpoena and plead the 5th.

The GOP-led Senate Intel Panel, chaired by Richard Burr subpoenaed Donald Trump Jr. last week over Russia matters after he already gave over 25 hours of testimony to the committee.

Top GOP lawmakers in both chambers were outraged over this obvious political persecution of the President’s son and Lindsey Graham flat out encouraged Don Jr. to ignore the subpoena.

And Twitter erupted in calls for his resignation.

Lindsey Graham told reporters on Tuesday, “If I were [Donald Trump Jr.’s] lawyer I wouldn’t put him back into this circus. He’s been to the committee, two or three different committee. He’s testified under oath.”


Even better, Lindsey Graham’s office responded to “LindseyGrahamResign” by saying, “No collusion. No obstruction. No resignation.”

The libs are going crazy because Mueller didn’t indict President Trump and AG Bill Barr just opened a massive investigation into Spygate and FISA abuses.

The hashtag #LindseyGrahamResign was trending number 3 in the United States on Twitter Tuesday afternoon because the libs were losing their minds over based Lindsey Graham.

The losers over at the Democratic Coalition started the trend and triggered the libs to go crazy on Twitter.

Conservatives mocked liberals with based Lindsey Graham memes.

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Cristina began writing for The Gateway Pundit in 2016 and she is now the Associate Editor.

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