Nervous, John? Ex-CIA Chief John Brennan Viciously Attacks Trump – Accuses Trump of ‘Obstructing Justice to Survive Politically’

Nervous, John?

Former CIA Chief John Brennan on Tuesday continued his vicious attacks against President Trump.

Brennan accused Trump of “living in constant fear of being exposed as a fraud,” and said the President had to “obstruct justice to survive politically.”

BRENNAN: Just imagine if we had a President who did not live in constant fear of being exposed as a fraud, who did not have to obstruct justice to survive politically, and who had the intelligence, integrity, and leadership skills to address America’s many important challenges….

Brennan is nervous and projecting because his fingerprints are all over Spygate and Trump recently said in a tweet that it’s time to turn the tables and bring justice to people who have committed serious crimes…like spying or treason.

John Brennan also beat the impeachment drum on Saturday and claimed Mueller’s report showed that Trump colluded with Russia and obstructed justice.

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) announced in March that according to a high level source, John Brennan insisted Hillary’s fake Russia dossier be included in the Intelligence Report.

Brennan perjured himself in a May 2017 testimony when he said that he did not include Hillary’s phony dossier in the IC report.

There is plenty of evidence to the contrary and Senator Rand Paul said Brennan should be asked to testify under oath in Congress ASAP.

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Cristina began writing for The Gateway Pundit in 2016 and she is now the Associate Editor.

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