New York Times Attempts to Sanitize the Virginia AG Blackface Scandal, Calls it ‘Dark Makeup’ in Headline

The New York Times has changed a headline after facing backlash for attempting to sanitize the Virginia Democratic Party’s blackface scandal by referring to it as “dark makeup.”

Can you imagine them taking such a soft approach if the politician had been a republican?

On Wednesday, Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring admitted that just like their Democratic governor, he also wore blackface in college.

“Because of our ignorance and glib attitudes — and because we did not have an appreciation for the experiences and perspectives of others — we dressed up and put on wigs and brown makeup,” Mr. Herring said in a statement.

Instead of calling it what it was and pushing back against the Democrat, the way they would with a conservative, the New York Times ran a headline using his own description.

The push back was hard and swift — from both sides of the aisle.

As this reporter was writing about the social media firestorm, the New York Times stealth edited their article’s headline to “Virginia Attorney General Says He Also Dressed in Blackface.”