An MSNBC guest argued that someone wearing blackface over 30 years ago is as bad as sexual assault — and that a person accused of sexual assault is a victim.
Radio host Mark Thompson was discussing the three huge scandals that are currently plaguing the Democratic Party in Virginia — which are so bad that the governor and the two men in the line to succeed him are all under pressure to resign.
Governor Ralph Northam and Attorney General Mark Herring are both under fire for wearing blackface in the 1980’s, while Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax has been accused of sexual assault.
“If it boils down to Justin Fairfax having to resign and the two blackface people don’t, then those very same people will say, now wait a minute, that’s sort of a double standard,” Thompson said during the MSNBC panel.
At this point, host Stephanie Ruhle pointed out that sexual assault is a crime — while blackface is not.
“You have double victimization,” Thompson said. “You have [Fairfax’s accuser Vanessa Tyson] as an African-American woman being victimized. Then you have an African-American elected official with an enormous black vote in Virginia, he has to pay a price nobody else does.”
“Yeah, but he’d be paying a price for something different than what the other two would be paying for,” Ruhle interjected.
Thompson argued that because Northam’s blackface photo was uncovered before Fairfax’s accuser stepped forward — that it somehow makes it more important than her sexual assault.
“It would be different … but the original crime was blackface on the part of Northam,” Thompson said.
“Which is awful, but it’s not a crime,” Ruhle said.
“Well, it’s a crime to us as black people,” Thompson replied. He also argued that black men have a history of being falsely accused of rape so it some how makes him care less about his black female accuser.
Thompson went on to argue that getting rid of the two white politicians and keeping the black accused sexual criminal is important because Virginia Democrats need the black vote.
WATCH via the Free Beacon: