Democrat darling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez announced the Democrat Party’s radical and lunatic Green New Deal on Thursday.
The radical Democrat-Socialist plan will change life as you know it.
The plan ends air travel with ocean bridges, ends traditional forms of energy, destroys the US energy sector, ends nuclear energy, mandates all new jobs must be unionized and gives free money for not working.
That’s just part of it.
They also want to get rid of farting cows.
The FAQ's released by @AOC 's office regarding the "Green New Deal" include the following passage: "We set a goal to get to net-zero, rather than zero emissions, in 10 years because we aren’t sure that we’ll be able to fully get rid of farting cows and airplanes that fast"
— John Roberts (@johnrobertsFox) February 7, 2019
Also on Thursday Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced her own climate change junk science panel.
Ocasio-Cortez is not on the panel.
NBC News reported:
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may be the leading voice behind a left-wing push for a Green New Deal, but the New York Democrat won’t be serving on a newly created House committee tasked with combating climate change.
On Thursday, Pelosi named nine Democratic members to the new Select Committee on the Climate Crisis. They include:
Rep. Kathy Castor of Florida, chair
Rep. Ben Ray Luján of New Mexico
Rep. Suzanne Bonamici of Oregon
Rep. Julia Brownley of California
Rep. Sean Casten of Illinois
Rep. Jared Huffman of California
Rep. Mike Levin of California
Rep. Donald McEachin of Virginia
Rep. Joe Neguse of Colorado
“The American people have spoken and demanded bold action to take on the climate crisis, which is the existential threat of our time,” Pelosi said in a statement announcing the panel of lawmakers. “We are thrilled to welcome so many visionary leaders and strong voices to our new Select Committee on the Climate Crisis, which will be vital in advancing ambitious progress for our planet.”On Thursday, both Pelosi and Ocasio-Cortez confirmed that she was invited to be on the panel but declined the offer.
Rush Limbaugh weighed in on Pelosi’s green committee saying she knows it’s all a crock.
RUSH: One more sound bite here. This Pelosi press conference today. Remember, she named the new climate change committee and Cortez is not on it. That is a huge slap, and here’s Pelosi talking about how they’ve submitted their proposal. It’s just a proposal, but they’re dead serious about everything in it. Pelosi was asked about the Green New Deal and if it is a useful baseline or not.
PELOSI: I, frankly, haven’t seen it. Uh, but I do know that it’s enthusiastic and we welcome all the enthusiasms that are out there. We welcome the enthusiasm that is there. Uh, the Green New Deal points out that the public is much more aware, uh, of the challenge that we face and that is a good thing, and I welcome the Green New Deal and any other proposals that people have out there.
RUSH: Meaning, “I think it’s a crock. I can’t say that. It’s a bunch of foolishness. I really like the enthusiasm but I’m not gonna put ’em anywhere where they can do anything about it.” That’s what this means. “I haven’t seen it”? (laughing) It’s the most important thing in the world to these freshmen, these Millennial freshmen. It’s the most important thing, and the woman that runs the place hasn’t seen it and proudly says so. “I welcome all the enthusiasms that are out there. We welcome the enthusiasm that is there.