Texas authorities arrested and charged a man in the fatal shooting of 7-year-old girl Jazmine Barnes, whose death captured national attention and sparked a manhunt for the killer.
The original reports from the family who witnessed the shooting death of Jasmine described the shooter as a “white male in his 30s.”
Trans black activist Shaun King offered a $100,000 reward for the arrest of the shooter.
And police sent out a drawing of the shooter based on the family’s description.
Harris County Texas police announced on Sunday that 20-year-old Eric Black Jr. was arrested and charged with capital murder in the death of Jasmine Barnes.
Eric Black Jr., 20, is charged with capital murder in the death of 7-year-old Jazmine Barnes. #hounews pic.twitter.com/OlmqMlb3ES
— HCSOTexas (@HCSOTexas) January 6, 2019
The Harris County Sheriff’s Office released a statement following Black’s arrest.
Investigators identified Black as a suspect based on a tip.
Subsequent investigation revealed evidence that corroborated the tip, and Black was taken into custody in East Harris County without incident.
Black then admitted to taking part in the shooting. Investigators are continuing to pursue evidence that could possibly lead to other suspects being charged in this case.
Jazmine’s mother was driving Jazmine and her three sisters southbound on the East Sam Houston Parkway feeder road near Wallisville Road at approximately 6:50 a.m. when they were fired upon by someone in another vehicle.
Now here is a new twist.
The family said the killer was a “white male in his 30s” but he was a black male… This is odd because the family who witnessed the shooting described the killer to the police.
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The killers were black males — the second man was charged on Tuesday.
And once again the social justice warriors got it wrong.
The race card doesn't work anymore. Just saying.
Suspects Arrested In Death Of 7-Year-Old Jazmine Barnes https://t.co/jLeHk7AKwe via @WayneDupreeShow— 1IDVET INFIDEL (@1IDVET) January 6, 2019
Oh my.
Is Abc13 aware that the alleged shooter and the victim's Mother are friends on Facebook? Shooter is Fan Eric and victim's Mother is Porsha Washington. Clearly there is more to be revealed on this, and I predict some high levels of drama.
— Bsin82 (@BrianSi72240089) January 6, 2019
The mother has a long arrest record.
Via 0H0UR1–
MORE— There is video of the mother crying in the hospital bed.
THE BIGGEST QUESTION SURROUNDING THE MURDER OF #JazmineBarnes ::: why? Why would someone shoot up a car full of girls on a Sunday morning. Mom LaPorsha Washington can't wrap her head around it. #khou11 pic.twitter.com/WL74WTWR3t
— Melissa Correa (@MelCorrea_HOU) January 1, 2019
Who calls their baby's killers gentlemen??? #laporshawashington#JusticeForJazmine
"The detectives stopped by last night," LaPorsha Washington told Eyewitness News. "They said they had two guys and that the gentlemen were black."
— Jennifer Elmore (@jelmoreak) January 6, 2019