Sorry Corrupt Comey – Signing a Fraudulent FISA Document and then Claiming You Didn’t Know or Forgot Is NO Defense!

Guest post by Joe Hoft

Former and disgraced FBI Director Jim Comey signed a FISA warrant to spy on candidate and then President Trump even though he knew it was a fraud. His defense in front of Congress on Friday was that he didn’t know it was a fraud or he forgot.

Unfortunately, Comey can’t hide behind his lies because there is evidence he did know the FISA warrant was a fraud.

Comey wanted to have his testimony in front of Congress this past week in the open so he wouldn’t have to discuss his criminal actions like this one.  But once it was closed, he brought in a DOJ attorney who demanded Comey not reply to many questions because they were related to ‘ongoing investigations’.

Literally hundreds of times Corrupt Comey claimed during his testimony that he didn’t remember events that were criminal –

Unfortunately for Comey, the Hill reported earlier in the week that a long email chain was uncovered that the Republican House members added to the list of documents they would like President Trump to un-classify and release to the American public.

Former FBI Director James Comey is reportedly in this long email chain which is dated October of 2016 – just before the FBI obtained its first FISA warrant on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page.

“If these documents are released, the American public will have clear and convincing evidence to see the FISA warrant that escalated the Russia probe just before Election Day was flawed and the judges (were) misled,” one knowledgeable source told John Solomon.

  1. The FBI acknowledged in the emails there were intelligence community concerns about the Steele dossier before they secured a FISA warrant.
  2. The FBI knew Steele was talking to the media before they obtained a FISA warrant.

This is significant because the FBI has maintained for the last two years that they fired Christopher Steele after they obtained the FISA warrant after finding out he violated FBI protocol by speaking to the media.

The FBI used Michael Isikoff’s Yahoo News article as a source to corroborate the Steele dossier when presenting evidence to the FISC. If they knew Steele was Isikoff’s source, the FBI is guilty of circular intelligence reporting which of course is against protocol. They presented the two sources as independent which means they defrauded the FISC.

When Comey signed off on the FISA warrant request to the FISA Court to obtain a legal basis to spy on Carter Page and President Trump he lied to the court. 

The FISA request had the following caption about Steele’s work in it – “the FBI is unaware of any derogatory information pertaining to Source #1 [Steele].”

Incompetence is not a defense for forwarding the FISA Court a phony dossier as rationale to spy on the Trump campaign.  Neither is ignorance –

Fortunate for American justice there is evidence corrupt Comey and his gang of Deep State operatives  knew the bogus FISA warrant application to spy on candidate and then President Trump was a fraud.  Comey  covered up Hillary’s crimes but he couldn’t cover up his own!

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

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