South Korean News: Kim Jong-Un Wants Peace Treaty with United States and a US Embassy in Pyongyang

South Korea’s Donga News published Kim Jong Un’s message to the US Embassy and President Donald Trump on Monday.

According to Donga News Kim Jong Un wants a peace treaty with the United States and a US embassy in Pyongyang.

The report has not yet hit the US newswires.

The Business Times and Sputnik News is also reporting on the developments.


Kim Jong-eun chairman of the North Korean Workers’ Party (DPP), has reportedly made a strong commitment to the peace treaty beyond the North-US summit talks with our special envoy to North Korea. A high-ranking government official said in Washington on Oct. 10, “The unspoken Kim Jong Eun’s oral message, delivered to US President Donald Trump, is about normalizing relations, including the North Korea-US peace treaty and diplomatic relations.

A key official of the presidential office said on November 11, “The ultimate goal of Kim Jong Eun is to establish normal diplomatic relations with the North-US peace treaty. It also includes placing the US embassy in Pyongyang. ” A key official of the ruling party said, “After the North-US summit, North Korea will pull out the normalization of relations such as a peace treaty in earnest.” Kim Jung Eun’s message to Trump is not a detailed dimension such as release of detained American.

Earlier, a senior government official met with correspondents in Washington on October 10 and said, “We can not disclose Kim Jong Eun’s special message, It is a very comprehensive content (including denuclearization) as part of building mutual trust for the summit talks. ” However, he added, “(Kim Jung Eun) said that we should have a guarantee of system security from the United States, and we need to make efforts to create peace.” In the end, Kim Jong Eun’s proposal for the North-US summit is a podium for going beyond the easing of sanctions on North Korea and making it a long-term country that has normal relations with the United States.

Accordingly, the summit between the South and North in April and the North-US summit in May will be coordinated with ‘two-track negotiations’ in the final goal of denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. A Cheong Wa Dae official said, “The North-US summit talks will be led by negotiations on security and military characteristics such as denuclearization and a peace treaty.” The summit will discuss the relaxation of tensions that can be the mainstay of the North- , Cultural exchanges between the two Koreas will be discussed, “he said. If President Moon Jae-in re-affirms North Korea’s willingness to denuclearize, Trump will focus on denuclearization in earnest. But Cheong Wa Dae said, “Even if we do exchange, we will start from a line that does not violate sanctions against North Korea.” It is a collaboration with the White House that it will not take sanctions and pressure until Kim Jong Eun proves and confirms his will to denuclearize.

The US has yet to hear back from North Korea about its proposal for a summit.

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

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