This morning on Fox and Friends, Principal Deputy Press Secretary Raj Shah declared that the President has provably been willing to take a “tough” stance on Russia, something the Obama administration never did. Shah reminded the audience that the President “authorized a bombing campaign in Syria against the Assad regime over Russian objections,” despite pushback from other politicians that such a move would further provoke Russia.
Continuing, “He has authorized the sale of offensive weapons in Ukraine, again, against Russian objections. He has been tough, measured and smart when it comes to Russia.”
Deriding the inaction of the Obama administration, which many credit with Russia’s current geopolitical gains, Shah said “they failed to act for several years. I think the president is looking at the whole world. He actually is responsible for America’s foreign policy. He doesn’t just get to complain from Congress or the peanut gallery, and is he working with the Russians in some areas and holding them to account in others.”