Let’s face it America.
You really dodged a bullet with this one.
Hillary Clinton walked into a New York restaurant this week.
They gave her a standing ovation.
She ordered dinner.
Poor Hillary looks a little sickly, no?
When #HRCRatline is prosecuted and Hillary is executed, these people in this restaurant will be shamed eternally by the Internet for having supporting the most successful criminal gangster in history pic.twitter.com/RGkBQ1v86Z
— 911Bodysnatchers322 (@911bodysnatcher) February 24, 2018
Standing Ovation for making it to the booth.
Hillary Clinton Gets A Standing Ovation For Walking Into A Restaurant https://t.co/SWBkH9zG0s pic.twitter.com/iMnBNK3NNW
— The Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) February 24, 2018
We fully expect Twitter and Facebook to shadow-ban this post.