Guest post by Joe Hoft
The Democrats are in a world of hurt leading up to the 2018 Midterm elections.
Normally this is a winning election for the party not in the White House but the Democrats have no message and are looking really sad – almost as sad as election night 2016.
Democrats stand for higher taxes, open borders, DACA illegal aliens over Americans (and especially those in the military), and they did nothing to support the booming economy.
Their only message to date is ‘Stop Trump’ and ‘Muh Russia’ and they look like unhinged loons. Their lack of a coherent message will cost them this November!
Case in point – Claire McCaskill
Missouri Democrat Senator Claire McCaskill is running for reelection in a state that President Trump won by 20% in the 2016 election.
She is a horrible candidate with her only actions to vote for Obamacare and the disastrous ‘2009 stimlus’ that cost Americans $1 trillion with nothing to show for it.
To get her message out this weekend McCaskill sent a mailer to those on her email chain stating that she is behind the government …… doing more to stop Social Security Number fraud!
Yes, this is what she is running on.
In her email over the weekend she states –
Every American gets a Social Security number, so that when we grow old, this system that we’ve paid into our entire lives will help us live out our later years with dignity and financial security.
But now, scammers are using children’s stolen Social Security numbers to open fraudulent credit cards before they even graduate high school. We need to stay ahead of the curve to protect Missourians’ financial well-being,and we need the Social Security Administration to step up to the task.
According to McCaskill Social Security fraud is the most important issue facing this nation?
Is she aware of how many immigrants defraud the system?
Not corruption in the DOJ or FBI, not the Obama team giving billions to Iran, not military readiness, not infrastructure improvements, not immigration reform, not the increased racial tensions since the Obama Administration’s eight years of destroying America, no it’s Social Security fraud.