Videos posted by reporter Samantha-Jo Roth shows several illegal aliens protesting in favor of the Dream Act laying on the floor of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).
The videos show one protester screaming and jumping up and down and throwing something in the office.
“We are right here! Again (unintelligible) stay. There’s a chair there! And there! And here’s a couch! And there’s a chair over there! AND YOU CAN NOT COME OUT!!!!”
Current scene at Sen. Mitch McConnell's office — Dreamers took over the office and are protesting.
— Samantha-Jo Roth (@SamanthaJoRoth) December 21, 2017
More video from Roth:
Staff in Sen. McConnell's office are just working as if nothing is happening.
— Samantha-Jo Roth (@SamanthaJoRoth) December 21, 2017
More screaming, this time in chant form.
DREAMERS have taken over @SenateMajLdr's office — shouting "what do we want, Dream act, when do we want it now." #DACA
— Samantha-Jo Roth (@SamanthaJoRoth) December 21, 2017
And one more, the man having a tantrum throws something in the office.
I have never seen protesters take over a senate office like that — is this a common occurrence?
— Samantha-Jo Roth (@SamanthaJoRoth) December 21, 2017
The illegal alien lobby is pushing Congress to legalize the status of so-called Dreamers who entered the U.S. illegally as minors after President Donald Trump reversed unconstitutional Obama administration policy protecting them from deportation.